Chapter Sixteen

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The side of my face is in pain as I begin to wake up. There is nothing but darkness and I begin to smell smoke; suddenly something hits my hand and I scream. "Hey, Scarlett. Thank goodness, you're okay." Bryce whispers. I feel him move and a small dim light turns on. We are in a tight closet in the cabin; Bryce goes to the door and tries to bust it open but there is no use. I begin to cough as I smell the smoke. "He is burning it down." Bryce hits the door again and grunts. I put my hand on his shoulder to check on him. "Come here, jeez, he hit you. That son of a bitch." He caresses my face slightly.

I close my eyes, holding back the tears. "Bryce. Just calm down, think about somethign funny."

He gives a hurtful laugh, "I am supposed to be the one to protect you and make you feel better but it is the other way right now."

"Figured we should die peaceful and happy." I manage to say smiling through my tears. I lower my head, trying to prevent from any more tears coming out.

"Scarlett, I am going to die unhappy, knowing that I never got to know you." Bryce says low and I look up. "I love you." He slowly comes to me pressing his body against mine and mine against the wall; he lowers his head and I stare deep into his eyes and then our lips touch. I raise my hands to his face as his go down to my waist.

"Bryce," I whisper, pushing him back. "I don't think I am right for you. I mean you are out of my league. I don't deserve to get you."

"Why? Because you feel fat? You are gorgeous and look way better than any of those girls at school. You are the one out of my league. I just wish I could have protected you and told you this earlier."

"I think in some way you did." I begin to cough even more as the smoke comes in.

I begin to cry even more and Bryce brings me close to him, "Shh, it's okay. You will live, he is not going to let you die, they will give you immortal life."

"Not if I can't live it with you."

"I will be happy that you're alive." He says smiling, but I see a hint of a tear in his eye; before I can clarify it he wraps me in his arms again. I cry into his shoulder and can still smell him.

Suddenly, the door bursts open and I squirm a little; the dark smoke flows in faster. I see a dark figure in the doorway and I get scared, I bring Bryce closer to me. Ther person grabs me and Bryce and drags us out the house; we drop to the ground outside and we both inhale the air deeply, coughing. I turn my head over and see Bryce laying on his back, I crawl towards him and bring him up to me. "Bryce." 

He flutters his eyes open, "Scarlett? You have to go, get to safety." He whispers.

"Not without you." I say strongly.

I feel someone breathe down my neck. "Sweet, my queen, but you belong with me." Jarsen whispers in my ear. "I do not tolerate unloyalty. I will forgive you this once but once that man told me what he did to you I had to get down here quick. I decided that I should give Bryce a second chance, our history goes way back. I figured this would be more torture with me taking away his client but in the end, it turns out that I am taking away a whole lot more."

"Dammit Jarsen, she is innocent. She just wants to go to school, have a normal life." Bryce grunts, I move my hand to his cheek as he gets up. Jarsen backs away as I get up and put Bryce's arm around my shoulders.

"Then why does it matter, either way you can't be with her."

"Why does it have to be me?" I ask forcefully, surprised by my voice.

"Well, Brycey, you sure have taught her how to speak up, huh? Well, my queen, you're just special; your blood runs back to your ancestors."

"I am not your queen." I say strongly.

"Scarlett." Bryce warns but I ignor him and hold his hand that is around my shoulder.

Jarsen walks in front of me, "What did I say about unloyalty." He begins to narrow his eyes but I look down; he puts his hand under my chin, forcing me to look him in the eyes. I begin to feel different and it was the feeling from before. I want him. I becom weak and Bryce stands on his own, Jarsen puts his arm around my waist and brings me close. We become locked in with each other and he begins to kiss me and I return.

Bryce is trying to go for us but the other vampires hold him back, smiling. I keep my gaze on Jarsen but something doesn't feel right. I don't feel like myself. I have lost my memory of everything that has happened on the cabin except the two moments where I am happy with Jarsen. I try to push back, I am trapped in my own body by someone who loves Jarsen.

I try to recover my memories as I feel more lost and then there is a spark in my head of Bryce. Bryce. Bryce. Bryce. Remember. I say in my head and everything comes back; I come back. I push Jarsen away from me. I see a knife at his belt and I grab it quickly, running to Bryce. I stab one of the vampires in the heart and then the other in a swift motion. "Scarlett! What the hell?" Jarsen yells. 

"I am tired of being pushed around and being manipulated! Now, you are going to let us leave this mountain."

Jarsen begins to pace back and forth, "You don't mind if I keep some souvenirs then, do you?" He waves his hand and I become scared but I stand my ground.

I hear something rustle behind us and I turn around to see Charlie, Audrey, James, Will, and Caylee come out the woods with rope around them. "Charlie!" I call out and go to run to him but Bryce slightly touches me. "Why can't you just leave us alone?" I ask, turning around.

"This ends when you finally come with us!" He yells causing me to fling. Bryce is suddenly taken and tied with rope; he kicks one of them and runs after Jarsen, snatching the knife away from me. Jarsen punches him, causing him to fly backwards; landing near the others. I go to run to him but Jarsen appears in front of me. "So, those two boys are your weakness. Kill them." Jarsen says turning around.

"NO!" I shriek and take a deep breath as Jarsen turns around smiling. "Take me." I whisper.

"Sorry, I don't think your friends could hear that."

"Take me!" I say loudly, but keeping my focus on him because I don't want to see Charlie or Bryce's face right now, it is hard enough to hear their muffled screams. "Let them go and take me or turn me, whatever you're going to do."

"No, I think they should see you turn first. They will only come back just in time to rescue before you turn." He leans and whispers. "This may be pleasing and painful at the same time."

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