Chapter Six

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Bryce and I talked for a while and learned that he actually moved here during middle school; Charlie then came down and we talked even more. Eventually, we went to bed, Will is at my door and he is in his pajamas, "Hey, earlier I didn't get to ask if you were okay?"

"I'm fine." I say awkwardly. I open my door but Will slightly touches my arm.

"I am not going to give up on you, just know that." He says and then walks off. I lean against the door post and just sigh; I look up to see Bryce and his face is full of concern and I just nod to let him know that I am okay. I go into my room and shut my door and put on my pajamas and cover up in the warm blankets. My eyes begin to feel heavy and I fall asleep.

I am walking in the woods, freezing, while I am still in my pajamas. The snow is falling even more heavily, my body is shaking until there is a black shadow that circles me. "What the?" I ask myself out loud but my voice echoes. "Hello?" 

"Scarlett?" I hear a voice call out. I turn around to see Will. "What are you doing?" He asks, frowning and struggling against the snow storm.

I look around and feel confused as to where I am then suddenly I hear Will scream and as I turn to him there is a black blade through his torso. I run to him and he falls into my arms and I am slung back, the shadow appreahces me and then past me, there is a cut on my arm and then something bites my neck. I scream and scream and try to push away from the force but I can't.

My eyes jerk open and I roll off my bed onto the cold floor. The scratch, the bite, the blood felt so real and it felt so cold. Charlie rushes into my room and sees me on the floor as I have my knees close to my chest recapturing every event. "Scarlett? Are you okay? What happened?" He asks, raising my face to face him.

"It was just a terrible dream and it felt so real." I say as if I am crazy. Charlie brings me close to him and my head is against his shoulder. His warmth just makes me feel better.

"I'll stay with you, okay?" He asks, moving his hand up and down my back. I nod because I don't want to be alone because I swear it was the same shadow from earlier. "Come on, get in bed." He whispers and helps me up into bed. I lay down and Charlie lays beside me I face him as he puts his arms around me.

"You're my best friend, Charlie." I whisper.

"I know, you're mine." He whispers back and closes his eyes. I peek up to look at the window and see nothing, but I feel like someone or something is watching. I fall back asleep.

I wake up turned the other way and I can feel Charlie's breath against my back. The sun is shining bright in my room and I grunt as I get up and I look down to see a bruise along my forearm and I can feel one on my neck. "Charlie?" I whisper, shakily. Charlie yawns and gets up, rubbing his eyes. "Look." I hold my hand out and Charlie quickly grabs it.

"Woah! Scarlett? What happened?" He asks, still tired.

I look at my arm for the longest time and then move my hair to the side and touch the bruise there. Charlie then holds the side of my face, analyzing. "Charlie, there were from my dreams. Something attacked me in those same spots in my dream."

"It's okay. It was probably from pulling Will away or from falling from your bed." He comforts, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I put my head down and think but still not sure what is going on and just nod. "I'm going to take a shower, okay? I'll meet you downstairs." I say getting up. "Thank for staying with me."

"That's what friends are for." Charlie smiles and leaves the room.

I take out some more winter clothes; this time a black turtle neck, a scarf, jeans, and my underwear and socks. I get in the shower with warm water running down me, I close my eyes and try to get rid of the images from the dream. I get out the shower and grab a white towel from the cabinet against the wall. I look in the mirror and grab my brush out from my make-up bag and begin to struggle with brushing my hair, I finish brushing my hair, spray some curling spray, and put it in a braid, then I brush my bangs down.

I put my clothes on and walk out my room, where Bryce comes out of his room also. He is wearing a heavy brown jacket and jeans. "Hey." I say.

"Oh, hey. So, what are your plans for today?" He asks, stretching out and yawning.

"Explore the mountain. I am going to continue working on the paper, the longer the paer the better. Do you want to join me and Charlie today?" I ask continuing downstairs.

"Yeah sure." He responds following me. "I started mine yesterday, also."

"That's great." I say reaching the bottom step, where Charlie is sitting at the counter. Audrey, James, and Caylee are at the door putting their jackets and gloves. Will then comes down the stairs and as he eyes James and the rest he rolls his eyes. "Hey Charlie, we're ready." I say putting my hands in my pocket.

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