Poem 18

343 14 10

Not a poem


We are all a variety of colors.

I'm not talking about our complexion, or our favorite color. I'm talking about our personality.

You see, everyone human being is different from every other human being on this sphere we like to call earth. Not one single person is exactly like you. And that's okay.

We are all unique, as is every color. We have different sounding voices, our feet fit just right in our shoes, our arms are just the right length, our lungs holds just the right amount of air, because we are all made that way.

It's what makes us who we are. The Human Race. We are a species that has grown over the past few million years on a floating ball in space. That's pretty impressive.

From the time that we are born to the time that we die, we are living with each other. In a place filled with menacing gangs, nuclear bombs, and Justin Beiber, we are living with each other trying to face those things.

I'm getting off topic here. What I'm trying to say is, wether you're an emotional yellow or an irritated purple, the color you are is who you will be for the rest of your life.

You could be an innocent little girl who loves dogs but grows up to be an axe murder, and still stop and pet a dog that's walking with it owner down a street one day. People never change.

What color are you?

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