Zodiac Selection: Calypso Amorel

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Full name: Calypso Kai Amorel

Short quote: "the saddest people smile the brightest"

Age: 19

Gender: female

Sexuality: bi

Birthday and zodiac: march 3, Pisces

Face claim: Indiana Evans

Personality: very trusting, often has her head in the clouds. Very intuitive and caring. She will pour everything she has into making other people feel better, and she is very empathetic. However, she doesn't take betrayal well, and she holds a grudge like no ones business. Second chances aren't a thing with her. She also isn't the best at commitment, and is often very loosy-goosy, and has an extremely difficult time making up her mind. She also hates technology. She gets lonely very easily, and always needs human contact. She craves love and affection and wants someone who will make her the center of their world.

Likes: being outside, water, cold, helping people, soft music, cool colors, rain, singing, relationships

Dislikes: technology, fire, heat, being alone, butterflies, loud noises, warm colors, the sun

Strengths: very empathetic, likes to help other people

Flaws: very impatient, has trouble with commitment, has a difficult time making up her mind, stubborn, can be very judgemental

Previous life: the daughter of Atlas, she was a sea goddess who lived happily in her realm of the ocean

Other: she has synesthesia, which is the blending of senses (see sounds, taste words, feel scents, etc)

Other: she has synesthesia, which is the blending of senses (see sounds, taste words, feel scents, etc)

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