The Selection: Prince Hunter

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Name: Hunter Logan (surname)

Age: 19

Zodiac sign: Pisces

Faceclaim: Douglass Booth

Personality: he used to be a crazy and wild child. However, he got drawn in too far and started doing dangerous things and put himself and others in risky situations. After a terrible accident that left him blind, he started to realize that what he was doing wasn't cool and he turned his life around. He now is calm and collected, and is the voice of reason between his siblings. His voice is soothing and he never raises it at anyone. He isn't the most outspoken person, but what he does have to say has value and merit. He loves being outdoors and he wants to change the world.

Flaws: he is blind, he doesn't let people get close to him, he can be overemotional, he trusts people too easily, he hates when people tell him what to do, he gets frustrated with people easily (although he doesn't show it) and he bottles up his anger.

Thoughts on selection: he doesn't mind it so much because he doubts he is going to find true love. After all, who could love a blind man?


Fun fact: he is ambidextrous (left and right handed)

Fun fact: he is ambidextrous (left and right handed)

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