Chapter 11 _Lingerie talk

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"Rachel get up .........Rachel you need to get up ......Rachel Fellesé you better be up before I come up there ! " That got me jumping out of the bed and running to the bathroom . Let me just explain what happened there . That's was a recording of my mom telling me to wake up . Now Theres a story behind this the main reason being my mom is the only person whose voice sounds threatening enough to wake me up from my deep slumber . I've tried many alarms from Nicki Mnaj to Guns and Roses and even went to the extent of using Swedish music but all of them failed miserably against the power of Rebecca Fellesé (aka my mom )

The bathroom floor felt cold against my feet and I felt like some cheap second hand thing being put in a bathroom you'd find in a celebrity's house and my appearance would make people want to throw things at me . Even a prune didn't have many wrinkles as my lips had right now !

I don't even want to start with my hair I'd be grateful if my comb didn't break into two peices while trying to untangle the mess that was my hair .

I opened the tap to wash my face when I remembered I had to call my parents . I ran back into the room and fished my phone out of my bag . My dad picked on the third ring .

"Hello , Rachel ? "

"Mr. Fellesé you daughter is in our hands and we expect a truck load of milky ways to be delivered to Paris right now or else....your daughter dies ! " I smiled like a creep at my kidnappers voice .

"Oh really ? Well you know what ? You can keep her because as a dentist I will not tolerate My daughter having cavities "

"Dad ! " I screamed into the phone .

"I'm sorry " my dad chuckled

"You better be " i grumbled into the phone .

"And Rachel why didn't you call us yesterday ? Do you know how worried your mother was ? She wouldn't let me sleep last night because she kept telling me she had dreams of someone kidnapping you " my dad said his voice sounding tired .

"I'm sorry ..I was so tired yesterday I completely forgot I won't next time okay ? "

" so..... how's Paris ? Wait a second let me just call your mother or she's might chop my head off "

When my dad went to call mom I took out my toothbrush and paste and started brushing .

"Rachel ! Oh thank God ! I was just about to book a ticket to Paris " my mothers voice boomed out of the phone .

"Mom you need to stop being so overprotective ....I'm fine " i Managed to say With white foam in my mouth .

"How are you how's Paris ? Have you met anyone yet ? "

I can't believe that's the first question a moms going to aske her daughter when she's on vacation. And what's worse was she sounded hopeful .

"I did actually ....." I drawled .

"You met someone ?! Who ?! I want his name and every other detail . Is he French ? " that was my dad always the inquisitive one , my mom on the other hand was squealing like a teenage girl .

It's crazy to think what parents have become these days .

"His name is Alex ...." And so I told them The whole story leaving out the part about how he was mean to me , they took most of it nicely but my dad wasn't too pleased to find out we were sharing the same suite .

But finally along with help of my dad I was able to get my mom off the phone . "Bye guys love you ! " I sang into the phone .

"Enjoy your your tour ! " I pulled out a peach colored dress , my dad had booked a tour for me and he Had told me I didn't have to go but it was not like I actually knew how to get around Paris so I agreed to take up the tour .

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