Chapter_13 If i ever became a dog id be a Puli

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Why the heck did Paris have to look so beautiful?

Me and Alex were waiting to cross the roundabout to get to the arc . The traffic was unbelievable! I told Alex a hundred times we should have taken the subway as crossing the road would be too risky but he said he liked risks . Pfft loser, just some time back he gave me lecture about health and safety now he says he likes risks . I'm telling you the guy is bi polar . We were still holding hands by the way I somehow managed to get myself to look normal other than a ripe tomato .
Before me stood the famous Arc de Triomphe , looking heavenly in the morning sun . The white colossal structure was ornamented with beautiful reliefs and sculptures carved on its four pillars. Each of the four pillars had its own uniquely carved sculpture . On the top of the Arc there was a battle scene of soldiers fighting. I could just stand there all day and describe how beautiful the thing in front of me looked every minute detail of it and how perfect and intricate the work of the artists who helped build it , but of course Alex's stupid hand and the tingly feeling it was giving me wouldn't let me . I could feel him tugging my arm to move forward with him. I snapped out of my daze and followed him.

Together we crossed the roundabout, and just when we were about to reach the arc my purse had to oh-so magically Slip off my shoulder and fall in the middle of the freaking roundabout . " wait , my purse! " I yelled as I pulled back Alex with me to retrieve my Aeropostale shoulder bag , Alex let out a frustrated growl . Thank fully I was able to save my bag from being crushed by a scooter, causing the man in it to yell profanities in French at me and Alex his face red with anger . And since my grades in French were absolutely outstanding , the only word I understood from all that cursing was one that rhymed with witch .

Note to self : next time make sure you pin the strap of you re bag on your clothes so that you won't have to ever listen to angry curse words of a French man .
Alex literally dragged me towards the Arc yelling an apology at the man who didn't even accept it . Oh how I wish I could throw pie at his face you stupid un forgiving man ! .
Me and Alex entered into the huge circle in which the Arc was situated in. " what is wrong with you ?! " Alex yelled at me . " don't yell at me yell at my bag " I said pointing to the chestnut colored Aeropostale bag . " Can you stop acting like a child !" Alex said vexed .

" you don't have to be so mean " I muttered . This is what I hated about Alex, he could just become incredibly mean out of the blue and that would really tick me off . " consider yourself lucky you didn't understand everything the man yelled at you " Alex said running a hand through his dark hair that looked so soft. " okay fine maybe I didn't know what all those words meant but , so what ? Who gives a shit ? Cause I certainly don't and you shouldn't care too Alex and if the guy happened to curse you as well then I'm sorry you had to hear that " I said putting my hand on his shoulder . Though it might have looked kind of weird since i was shorter than him. Alex gazed at me for a long time and I was starting to feel a bit uncomfortable under his penetrating gaze .

How I wish my eyes were such a beautiful color as his instead I get a boring color, Brown ugh ! I'm so jealous of this stupid boy with alluring blue eyes that's making lose my mind because of the tingly feelings he gives me just by holding my hand .
Okay that sounded desperate .

I mean come on Alex's eyes were not just an average blue, it was..... I don't know like a magical blue. The color of his eyes keep changing according to his mood. Or I'm just becoming a lunatic and is actually supposed to be in a mental asylum.
" I thought I was the one who was supposed to Make you feel uneasy , but now your creeping me out with the staring " Alex pointed out . " I wasn't staring " I defended .
" right, you were gawking " Alex said letting out a low chuckle and ruffling my hair . Stupid boys I really don't know why they do that to girls beacause Ruffling of hair is something you do to your dogs , why was Alex doing that to me? . He probably things you re some weird breed of dog

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