Chapter 17- You cant be like Tulio from Rio

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I couldn't breathe I really couldn't breathe !!

But I was sleeping so peacefully and breathing was just as easy as shoving a Milky Way down my throat and it was even more special because the scent I was inhaling during my slumber was heavenly and I just couldn't get enough it . But now !!
I can't smell anything.....
scratch that I couldn't even get oxygen into my lungs . There was something blocking my oxygen intake .
I started panicking I was sleeping so well in you know whose arms and now all of a sudden I can't breathe . I heard a snicker from above me .
I wasn't kidnapped was I ?
Panic shot through me and I jolted upright in my bed bringing my fists up for defense . But the second I was up my breathing became normal . And I fixed my eyes to the site in front of me .

I really wish this would be my view if I got up every morning . I mean it's painful enough to see my reflection every morning but this ...... This view makes me wonder whether I'm living in a dream or reality . But this was definitely not a dream my dreams weren't so perfect and clear and drool worthy ..........

Hovering over me was a shirtless Alex smiling a crooked grin at me . His hair was as messy it could be which was making me jealous because we all know what my hair looks like when it's messy . Alex looked much better now the dark circles were gone superseded by a rosy morning glow . He looked like he slept soundly and boy did I too I haven't slept like that since Mary John knocked me out cold . But this time it's wasn't the ice bag kept on my eyes that helped me sleep it was Alex's calm but steady heartbeat that made me sleep so soundly . Oh ! And should I start with how he smelled ?! I wanted to literally bite his arm off !
I think those cannibal books are getting to you

No ! what I meant was that he smelled like caramel and coffee my two most favorite things in the world .
I really wish there was a perfume that smelled like milky ways . Mmmm milky chocolaty ways ......... I mean I'd wear it all the time though I'd have the urge to bite myself .
Okay seriously Rachel ?! I think you need a therapist . I mean the things you  think about is not something a teenage girl should be thinking about !

But what's wrong with wishing for Milky Way perfumes ?!

My debate with my conscience was cut off when I felt something smack into my face , it was something soft but it was painful since the force at which it was thrown at me was quite strong .
It was a pillow .

"Seriously tiger I try to pull a prank on you and you just ignore me and start daydreaming ! " Alex exclaimed throwing another pillow at my face . This time I sunk back into my bed with the pillow . Ouch ! What was this boys problem ?
Throwing a pillow at someone's face as soon as they get up isn't appreciated as the warmest Morning greeting .
Clutching the pillow in my hands I slowly peek over it to look at Alex who is sat on my legs frowning at me .

Who does he think he is ? The Bake -O-Lite girl from Wallace and Gromit . I mean my legs were freaking hurting because of his weight . I wanted to scream at him To get off my legs before they snap like twigs .

But I guess he read my mind because he slowly started crawling towards me like a predator was crawling towards his prey . But in Our case Alex is the all mighty lion while I'm the deranged mouse considering how I look in the morning .
As Alex neared me he took the pillow from my hands and threw it away smirking . That's when I realized how nervous I was my heart was racing and I couldn't stop gulping as Alex was now hovering over me an amused smile plastered on his face .
He bend down closer until his nose was touching mine . Oh God ! This is going to be a replay of last night isn't it ? I shut my eyes awaiting the feel of his soft lips on my skin . But nothing happened I waited a second more before I felt like an idiot and opened my eyes to glare at Alex who was now laughing . Right In front of my face !

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