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I do not own Hamilton: An American Musical.

"C'mon, Y/N," Philippa cried. "We've been here for so long. Can't we just leave?"

"No, Philippa," Y/N said. "I gotta find the right book."

"What is it with you and reading?" Philippa said, leaning back in a chair as she waited.

Y/N sighed. "Books are just... well, it's just a way to escape reality. The best way."

"That only?" Philippa asked. "I mean, you always make it sound like you'd die without them."

"I would," Y/N said. "God, a world without books?"

"Okay," Philippa said. "But you said that they're just a way to escape reality. There are others ways to do that."

"Philippa, they're not just a way to escape-"

"You know what? I give up. I will never understand you," Philippa said and let out a short laugh.

Y/N smirked and turned towards Philippa. "It's kinda like how you're obsessed with history."

"Why didn't you just say that?" Philippa said.

"I don't know," Y/N shrugged. "You should try a historical romance, I think you might like it."

"Y/N," Philippa said. "Do you know how many times you've said that?"

"No, but I'll keep saying it," Y/N said and pointed at an area of the library. "I'm pretty sure they're over there."

"I'm not gonna-"

Y/N walked away from the book shelf she was standing at. She grabbed Philippa's wrist and forced her over to the historical fiction area. "C'mon Philippa, just try one out!"

"Y/N, no shouting in the library," Philippa said.

"Okay, Mom," Y/N said.

Philippa rolled her eyes and picked a book from the book shelf that they stood in front of. She looked down at the cover and Y/N looked over her shoulder to see what book she was looking at.

"My Dear Hamilton," Y/N read. "Try it out."

(It's an actual book, and it's amazing. I'm on like chapter 10 or 11)

"But it's so long," Philippa said,

"Oh my god, Philippa." Y/N said. "Try it out!"

"Fine," Philippa said. "I'll try it out."

"Yay~" Y/N said. "Now I've gotta find my last book."

Philippa sighed but followed Y/N to one of the many bookshelves in the library. After a while Y/N had decided on a book. She walked over to the table where the two other books she'd chosen lay. She picked them up and carried her books to the checking out area.

Philippa followed her, holding the one book she'd 'chosen'.


Y/N ran into her room and jumped into her bed. She put the stack of three books down beside her and grabbed the one on the top.

She could tell that the book wasn't exactly newly published. It was an old, leather bound book and Y/N didn't really know why it'd caught her eye. She opened it and found the first page blank, which wasn't that rare. She turned the page and found another blank page. It continued like this. She'd turn the page and go deeper into the book, but there were only blank pages.

"What the?" Y/N asked herself. "What is this for book?"

She kept on turning the pages, hoping to find something. She didn't know why, she just had this gut feeling.

Finally she found a page that wasn't blank, but it wasn't exactly filled with text either. There were only a small paragraph in the middle of the page. The text looked like it'd been writer by hand, with a fancy pen or something. Well, it certainly hadn't been printed by a printer.

On further inspection Y/N realized that the paragraph was just the same phrase written over and over again.

To the Revolution!

"What?" Y/N asked. Then, suddenly, a head ache hit her. And it wasn't a normal head ache, she had those all of the time. This one, it was different. Meanwhile her brain was trying to process what the book meant by "to the Revolution!" What revolution? Where? What? Overall, she was just confused.

Then, even if Y/N though it impossible, her head ache grew. She felt something tighten around her chest, but when she looked down there was nothing there. Had she actually been expecting to see something? No, right? God, Philippa is right. There books are getting to my head, Y/N thought.

Next she felt a tingling sensation in her legs and arms. "What is happening?"

Then the feeling spread over her entire body.

"Mom!" Y/N called. "Dad!"

She felt her heart beat quicken. What was happening? Was she dying? What?

Sadly, Y/N didn't get to know if her mother or her father cake to her aid as everything turned dark and she lost consciousness.

A Journey Beyond Imagination (Reader x Hamilton)Where stories live. Discover now