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I've been watching Youtubers lately and they do a lot of those Omegle videos and surprise their fans. What if I went on it right now to talk to one of my band's fans? Holy shit, that would be awesome!

You're chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You both like 5sos.

Stranger: eyoo

You: hi

Stranger: is it hi or hey?

You: ooh haha didn't think of that lol

Stranger: dude or dudette?

You: dude. hbu

Stranger: dudette

You: cooOoooOOOooOoool. so u like 5sos huh

Stranger: duh. ash's my fave

You: same

Stranger: i ship it though i don't rlly kno why but hey i ship everyone w/ their fave cause it makes them v. v. happy

You: do u have kik? ya don't need to give it if it's private...

You: just in case you wanted to talk some other time

Stranger: it's cxlleen((idk who owns that so please don't message the person unless the person is your friend))

You: oh kk thx. and so ur name's colleen?

Stranger: no shit sherlock

You: tever, lady. just makin sure

Stranger: just teasing haha message me on kik

Stranger has disconnected.

Okay, that went great. How long til she'll find out? It wouldn't be obvious on my loser excuse of a kik username, irwinmite((idk who owns this kik too)). I was young though when I made it, so you can't hold it against me.

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