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Pipers POV

We arrive at our fancy hotel and we go to our separate rooms because it was too expensive to get one huge one, Me, Jake and Ciara are sharing as carter, Trent, Ethan and Colby are but then my mom is in her own.
We decided that my room is the meeting spot and to hang out is the other room.
"Wow this is nice" Jake says as me and Ciara enter the room.
"Well there is only two beds so I guess I get my own and you two share" Ciara says.
"Yeah I can live with that" I say.
"Me too" Jake says looking at me.
"Ok after you two are done let's go get the others" Ciara says.
We blush and head out the door with her.
We enter the boys room and it's actually better then ours and it doesn't smell like sex like you would expect.
"So what shall we do for our first day in LA?" Colby says.
"I actually don't know" I reply.
"You think we should order food to Pipers room and just chill today?" Carter suggests.
"Yeah I mean it is 7 so I guess it's dinner time" I say.
"Let's order pizza!" Trent says.
We grab blankets from the boys room and they set up on the floor in ground of the TV while me and Jake set up our bad as Ciara does the same.
About 30mins later our pizza comes and so does my mom to check up on us.
"You guys doing ok?" She asks.
"Yeah mom" I say.
"Well if you guys need anything like the water, and juice it's in my room! Heres the extra key" She says handing it to me. She leaves the room and I set the key on the night stand.

3 hours later

Me and Jake are so close to falling asleep, and the other guys are already sleeping.
I can't stop thinking about Jazzy. It's been awhile but you don't forget crazy shit like that. And how Ciara almost killed Nick? Her love? I couldn't bare. I look up and see that Jake did fall asleep so I snuggle into his chest and do the same.

I wake up and the TV is still on but sense it's midnight the news was on. I couldn't fall asleep so I decided to watch it anyway.
But something catches my attention.
Hours ago While transporting Nick Teen to LA he nocked out the cop and escaped halfway there. So if you see This man, please call your local police station. Be cautious because he could be in LA already, in your town.
This scared the shit out of me. I thought I was dreaming.
I need water.
I grab the key off the night stand and quietly get up to head to my moms room.
I close our door behind me and head down the hall to her room. When I reach it I check to see if she locked it because well, it's a habit and it turns out it wasn't..that's fucking strange.
I open the door and look around. It's really dark. all The lights are off of course but the bathroom. I make my way there slowly and quietly.
I open the door to see..
Shit oh shit! What the hell!! The light its covered in blood and I look to see my mom. Dead. In the tub.
I run out into the hall screaming. Soon somebody hears me and comes out.
I tell him what I found as I'm sobbing hard core. Soon my Friends come out and I try to tell them but only Jake gets it.
He runs into my moms room and head into the bath room as the other guy calls the police.
I can't stop sobbing but this sounds so familiar like that dream I had...
My thoughts are cut off when the police arrive. They asked me what happened but i was sobbing so hard Jake came back and answered for me.
"Her mom.. we went on a vacation and then s-she went to grab a drink and..." Jake stopped. The police officer understood and went in with the other officers. After a while they came back out with a note.
"Are you piper?" They asked me.
I shook my head yes.
"We found this note covered in blood and sense it has you're name on it.. you should read it" the officer said.
I take the paper out of his hand and the first thing I thought was, this isn't her hand writing!
I open the note fully and start to read,

By now your probably thinking, wow this is not your moms hand writing, well this is nick.
I'm the one who put the news on your tv. I made sure you saw I escaped because I'm going to kill everyone you love to get to mine. I killed Jazzy. And I killed your mom. The cops are never going to find me. I know my ways. I'm just going tell you who's next. The one you love the most.
Good luck.


I stopped sobbing halfway through. And that's only because I was mad. I made my way to the officer and told him, "read it" he looked at me for a minute because I wasn't sobbing anymore, but inside I was. He read it and took out his walky and said something about nick, idk. He looked at me and asked, "who do you love most" I stopped and thought. Holy shit he's going to kill Jake. "Jake" I said starting to cry again. The office soon brought all of us in the room after contacting their parents.
"Alright so here's what's happening, you guys aren't safe here or home. We're going to take you to a house just a little outside of here that is going to be guarded safely. That's where you'll be living until we catch him".
This sounds like one of those weird ass movies that is just so cringeworthy that it proves it's so fake.
I just can't believe this is happening. Jazzy was killed, my mom was too...now he wants to kill Jake? I get he loves Ciara and wants her to himself but...why kill her friends? Just ask her out man!
I continue packing back up my shit when Jake comes up behind me and hugs me.
"He's not getting me. I promise"
"Ya I know he's not because he has to get through me and all of us" I say.
"And we're in a safe place" he adds on.
He backs away and let's me finish packing.
When we start to leave the room I look behind us.
Just a few hours ago we were a group a friends just going on vacation to get away from crap that happened to us that is still happening! I'm going to make sure that no one else is going to get hurt. That is the officers job but you haven't known a group of friends for so long that it becomes you duty to always and forever protect them.
Cuz that just happens to be my job.

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