Save A Horse

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Two chords.

Two lousy, boring chords had completely ruined the mood. And right when things were starting to heat up, too. That shitty song just had to come on shuffle. Why did he even have it on his phone? Dean made a mental note to delete it later. Maybe she'd ignore it. Maybe, if he kissed her a little harder, held her a little closer, she would never notice. Those hopes fled when Donna parted from him and glared, first at the speakers on his dresser, then at him, her hand pressed to his chest.

They'd stolen away to his room after a heated moment over a drink in the kitchen. Donna straddled his lap where he sat on his bed, her pants undone and wrapped in his arms. Quite content to take things as slowly as they could stand it, Dean wanted her begging for him before he went any further. Damn that song. With Donna glaring at him, he couldn't help himself; a long, lurid look lingered on her red lips, smeared by their incessant kissing, and then drifted down to the plunging neckline of her t-shirt. But then a scoff drew his attention back up and Donna rolled her eyes so hard, he wondered if Sam had taught her his technique. He grinned, a feeble attempt at winning her over, only to have the opposite effect when the lyrics kicked in.

I walk into the room

Passing out hundred-dollar bills...

"I hate this damn song."

Donna tried to stand from his lap, but Dean held her fast, grip tight on her ass. "Oh, c'mon, it's not that bad," he lied.

She raised a questioning eyebrow. "It's a shitty song and you know it."

The chorus passed in a strum of the same two chords, plus an added D major for whatever reason. The sixteen-bar phrase, while catchy, left much to be desired musically. But that wasn't the point. "It's just a silly sing about innuendos."

"Yeah, boring innuendos," Donna huffed as she stood, and Dean let her go. She stopped in the middle of his room, hands on her hips as she spoke, seemingly to no one in particular as she stared at his bed. "Oh, yeah, ride a cowboy, har har, so clever, like nobody's ever thought of a woman on top before," she said, sarcasm dripping from her every word.

"Hey," Dean started as he followed her. "I love it when you ride me, it's hot as hell. Get to see the D-Train in action. That..." he paused in the wake of a lewd mental image. With a shudder, he continued. "That does things for me."

Donna rolled her eyes as she zipped up her pants. "Sure, it does, but why write a song about it? Not like it's anything fancy as far a sex goes."

Fancy? "Is there... something you're not telling me?"

"What?" The blush that slashed across her nose betrayed her lie. "No! The song is dumb, that's all I meant."

Dean approached her with slow steps as he spoke. "You know, this cowboy could use a little riding."

Donna scoffed again as he wrapped her in his arms, but she embraced him all the same. "What do you want me to do about it?" she teased.

He hummed a pleased sigh through his nose at the thought of her on top of him again. "I've wanted you since we got back to the Bunker tonight," he said as he slipped his hand into her hair. "Please?"

She opened her mouth to reply but his lips landed on hers for a long, tender kiss. Donna all but melted in his arms, her hands smoothing along his shoulders, his neck, and settling in his hair. And Dean drowned there in that ineffable sea of want, willingly lost within her.

When Donna parted from him, he found the glimmer in her eye, and his heart skipped a beat. "You want me to ride you, cowboy?"

An awkward guffaw of a laugh burst from his lips. "Oh, I do."

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