Meeting With The Todoroki's

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(Author-Chan is sorry. This plot is so awful lol. XD Guys I haven't slept in like, forever. But to heck with sleep it's summer vacation lol. I wish I could sleep.... It's 6am. I have no social life. Help. Okay enough whining, hope you like the chapter!...And sorry I talk so much. This is kinda my way of communicating with humans so ya! Literally have anime characters as friends. Great life, great life. Okay NOW I'm done. Read on young mortals!)

The hospital rooms wall were a pure white color lined with a light grey. Thing white curtains fluttered in the open windows light breeze. It had been about 17 hours (I actually mathed it out) since Todoroki had collapsed in the middle of the mall.

It was around 9:30 am and next to a sleeping Todoroki was Yaomomo, who had fallen asleep as well about half an hour earlier. She had stayed with him all night, and couldn't rest easy. No one else had come because his family was so so distant, though she had managed to use Todo's phone to call Fuyumi, his older sister. She had said that she would drop by sometime after noon, but never specified a time.

Yaoyorozu had spent most of the night helping the doctors diagnose and medicate Todoroki and getting his quirk to a stable state. She had been exhausted and worried by the end so she had a hard time sleeping, and now here she was, in a chair head on Todoroki's hospital bed. Sound asleep.(Okay I really wish I was Momo rn.)

They had figured out the night before that Todoroki's quirk had indeed lost control and was making him ill. He had a high fever of 160°F, which would've (probably?) killed anyone else, but Todoroki was used to the temperatures of his own fire quirk by now and it was just like any normal person having a fever of 105°F. (Idk if that's bad either???)

He was put into a room for the night and until he woke up. Then they decided they check and see if he needed to stay longer. So far, he hasn't woken up since the incident,though his fever had disappeared and his body temperature had gone back to just about normal.

It was around 10 am when Todoroki started to stir. He let out a small groan as he slowly opened his eyes to the light of the morning sun. He looked around as his memories started flooding back and he recalled the mall incident. He lay there motionless for a moment as he remembered everything that had happened and how he had heard sirens from somewhere though he couldn't see anything.

He looked at his arm to see if he had an IV in, (He did) but was surprised and slightly started to find Momo sitting next to him, asleep with her head on the beside. She looked so peaceful. Her raven black hair slightly frizzed and somewhat messy in its furled ponytail, and she was still in the clothes she had been wearing at the mall.

...Has she been here since yesterday? Todoroki wondered as he gazed down at her.

He smiled to himself as he laid in the hospital bed. A second later, he got bored and unhooked himself from the IV.(It's actually really easy to do. idk why they always rip them out in the movies when all you have to do is unscrew the thing. XD) He walked over to the window a peered out to see what the world was up to. 

His double colored eyes looked down at the courtyard full of cherry trees in full bloom as a spring wind swept gently through the air, blowing petals all the way up to the 3rd floor where Todoroki stood.

He stood there like that for a minute. Pondering what he would do if he lost control over his quirk like that again. He felt perfectly fine now, but maybe it's only temporary?

His thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a door sliding open behind him. He turned around to see a man in a white coat enter the small hospital room.

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