Home Sweet Home

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Three weeks, just as promised. The official court case and trial had been held four days ago, and it wasn't more than an hour long.

There was plenty of piled up evidence against the #2 Hero. Not even the best lawyer - which, of course, Endeavour had made sure to have - could get him out of the hole he'd dug himself into for oh so many years.

The entire Yaoyorozu Estate and everyone currently in it rejoiced for the safety the Todoroki children had gained. After all these years they could finally relaxed.

Toya had been talking to Tsukauchi throughout all three weeks and when Toya had once voiced his worry on what they'd do if their father did get off, the detective himself reassured that there was less than a 5% chance of the hero making it out of this; the charges were simply too strong and too much.

Todoroki had resumed school along with Momo a while back, and they were welcomed back with the many questions of their enthusiastic -but also wildly concerned - classmates.

"Todioroki! You're back!!"

Of course Midoriya was the first to greet them, and after him came the wave of everyone else.

"Welcome back you two."

"Woo hoo! The couple returns."

"Yauyorozu I almost died without you're hot-"


-And then a force greater than even Bakugou shut down the shouting.

A dark aura began to seep from the doorway as Aizawa lay staring up at them from his yellow sleeping bag.

"You have about one second to get shut up and sit down," came the endlessly exhausted yet chilling tone.

A shiver ran up everyone's spine, except Bakugou because he had never stood for the commotion in the first place, and instantly scrambled to their seats shouting "SIR YES SIR!" in the process.

Somewhere along the way Kaminari jumped over four desks, Mineta got trampled, and Midoriya fell face down on the floor after tripping over untied shoelaces.

Yep. Nothing's changed, noted a highly amused Todoroki from his seat next to Momo in the back row.

He sighed and leaned back, all too soon of course as Iida walked up and planted a stack of papers about two feet tall on his desk.

Shoto stared confusingly between Iida and the papers, hoping for some sort of explaination

"That's what you missed these few weeks!" Iida gestured.

"Hmm," Shoto hummed and nodded in acceptance before taking the papers from his desk and neatly collapsing them into his bag.

The rest of the weeks had gone on like normal until the day of the hearing for Endeavor. When they got the news, everyone was relieved. Shoto had texted the result to the group chat, to which they all responded with party popper emojis and effects.

He smiled at the screen and rested his head on Momo's shoulder, who was sitting next to him on the familiar red couch.

"You'll be going home soon," she said quietly.

"Yeah," Shoto agreed, "It's gonna be weird with all the empty space. "

Momo nodded. "But you'll still be with your siblings, so all the space will be needed in the end."

He smiled up at her. "Yea, you're right."

He had three more days with the Yaoyorozu's. Toya had already taken care of all the paperwork, so now all they needed to do was pack and get settled in.

The Two Half's of Todoroki (A BNHA  Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now