Chapter 1

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     Y/N was crazy. Plain and simple. That's why the police officers of her town threw her into Slashers Mental Institution. She was caught by a bystander as she ate one of her meals(victims) in a dark alley way. The police caught her and, with much struggle, got the handcuffs and mouth guard on her. But not before she bit off and chewed the officers finger. Let's just say things were pretty ugly. 

     After 10 years of her killing and eating her meals they finally managed to catch her. And boy, did they not expect it to be her that has been killing people and "hiding the evidence" as they called it. She was just hungry. Y/N was very pretty girl and had all the curves in the right places, and big E/C eyes. So it was definitely a shock when they caught her eating a civilian. 


      You grunted as the guards pulled you out of the police cruiser owned by the guy that got his finger chewed off by her. "Hey! Don't you know how to treat a lady?" You laughed at the remark you made but only earned a glare from one of the gaurds holding you. The other one just didn't care. 

     "Hmfp! Tough crowd." You saw while laughing. They drag you into the entrance of Slashers Mental Institution, as you struggle to keep your pace with them. The two guards stopped as they came in front of what looked like a receptionist. The lady sitting at the desk looked up from the file she was reading and looked at you with a bored look.

     "Another nutcase?*sigh* I need a new job." She says while straightening the bun other top of her head. 

     "Hey, at least I don't have to pay rent!" You say cheerfully while smiling at her through your mouth guard. She looks at you with disgust before telling the guards where you'll be staying and that there was a "Social Group" meeting today so the "others" can meet me. 

     "OoOoO! More friends!" You say while giggling. She just sighed and told the guards to get you out of here. They started to move again and walk off to your new cell. You trudged along with them, feeling worn out from all the walking. As soon as they get you to your cell, a woman in a black dress with a white collar came out with the strait jacket.

     "Hello Y/N. My name is Cindy. I will be your nurse. Now, please don't make this hard, and let me put your strait jacket on." She pleaded. 

     "Hmmmm..." You pretend to think deeply." Alright! Do I get to meet the new friends if I do?" You ask getting excited. 

     She sighs, then says" Yes, you will get to meet the "new friends" if you put on the straight jacket for me."

     "Yay!" You yell with joy. One guard takes off your handcuffs warily and puts them away in his pocket as you start to stretch from the uncomfortable position you were moved out of. Cindy then started to put on your straight jacket but left the mouth guard. "Can't take any chances." She says I eye her with puppy eyes, wanting the thing off. I nod in understanding as she finishes putting on my jacket. 

     "Ok! Now we can go meet the others!" She said while motioning the guards to follow her. You walked with the guards as they followed Cindy. You could hear and feel your bare feet pat across the cold concrete floor. Soon, you all stopped at a heavily guarded door with two guards near the door and 4 locks on the metal door in the front. 

     "Wow! So shiny!" You say as you look at the door in awe. One of the guards at the door scoffs at you before turning to unlock the door. It took a good five minutes, but the door swung open to revel a circle of people sitting in chairs. There was one empty chair though, that you presumed that it was for you. 

     As the door creaked open, all eyes of everyone in the circle were on you. Suddenly, you felt all excited again and began jumping up and down." Wow! New friends! I'm soooo excited to meet you all!" You said while grinning like a mad woman under the mask.(oh wait, you were one) 

     "Hey Hannibal! Look! Another dog-mouthed freak like you!" Said this tiny doll with scars and scratches all over him. He was wearing overalls that said "Good Guy"  on the front. You suppose he could keep his regular clothes since he's just a doll. "She's just a little more crazy though." He said while laughing at his insult.

     "You got that right, Barbie doll!" You said while grinning at the little thing. He seemed to get pretty pissed off at your statement, and tried to charge at you, but a guard quickly held him back. A few people chuckled at. One guy that laughed pretty loud was a man that had very bad burns and scars on his face and arms. He was wearing grey pants and a grey shirt, porobably the outfit they had to wear. Everyone else was wearing one. They let him have a black fedora that was perched on the top of his head."That was funny. I already like you~" He said pervertedly as you rolled your eyes.

     "That's enough." Said one man in the middle of the big circle. He was wearing a white lab coat and had brown messy hair. He looked to be in his late 20's or early 30's."Y/N, why don't you sit down and get to know everyone here? My name is Dr. Stengel and I am the head doctor here. I hope everyone will get along nicely." 

Author note: Hey anyone that's reading this! I hoped you enjoyed the first chapter! It is unedited so sorry for any mistakes. Like I said,(if you read the last chapter) that this is my first story so I'm not very good yet. Goodbye readers, and stay off the streets at night!;)

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