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 I have to disclose that there will be spoilers and a pretty damn big one at that within this chapter. Chapters 100-112 were in mind while making this, so for the love of god, BEWARE.
If you're worried about getting spoiled and just here for the smut, just start from the bottom of the chapter up LOL. You can put things together easily from there.

"So, how long have you two been a thing?"

Armin jerks in his spot on the hardwood floor. From a side-glance, Hitch sits atop a large wooden crate, drumming one heel then the other into the side out of boredom. Her finely plucked eyebrow mockingly elevates up her forehead.

"I wouldn't really call it a thing." Armin answers with a guarded tone. "It just happened a couple of times. It was nothing official or talked about much between us."

Hitch's lower lip sticks out, displeased. "You're telling me there's no romantic story of you two meeting together in the seclusion of the woods? No using the barns for a good time? I thought you had guts."

"Sorry to disappoint you."

The young woman crosses her arms bitterly. "Humph, what a shame. I knew she was boring but I was hoping you'd be a bit better. All that crap about 'it's always the quiet ones that are freaks' had me curious."

The rowdy brunette huffs out more discontent comments while they keep warm by the fire: how she was right about all of his visits while Annie was crystallized, how she couldn't believe he didn't have the nards to tell her about his and Annie's history despite growing more comfortable with each other, and as she drones on, Armin shakes his head more so at Hitch's very unneeded offer of describing sexual positions than being ashamed about how he failed as a friend.

If she focused on that alone, he would agree with her.

"But now that I think about it, you just might not be giving me the specifics." Hitch says with a sharp twist of her mouth. "It took you an awful long time to convince Annie to join us. I thought it was because you have to keep throwing conversation at her just to get her to say two words, but you... you had a particular glow that morning."

The blushing soldier's face turns so red, steam could eject from his ears. Usually he'd sputter out some excuse, but Armin knows it's better not to fight Hitch once he's caught. "Did you tell anyone?"

"Enemy plus elite soldier sleeping together equals everyone has a bad time, Armin. Do you really think I'm that stupid as to so much as whisper about it?"

Armin bows his head, the flames sashaying in the fireplace reflecting in his eyes. "I didn't mean it that way...but thank you. It helps a lot."

Hitch hums playfully. "As a favor for keeping my mouth shut though, I expect that you'll treat me the same way you treated Annie. But you better have stamina. I hate men that are one-minute wonders."

Armin's widening eyes regard his friend with horror and confusion. "...what?"

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