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Murmurs of howling wind echoing through the cave's craggy insides jar Armin awake. He yawns beneath the blankets, his waking brain growing confused. They're fairly far from the entrance yet the infection of cold contaminates even the deepest parts of the cave. He wonders if there's a storm outside.

Rising up from the furs, a chilly gust on his naked back and chest brings a shiver in him, reminding Armin that the partial darkness and blankets are shielding both his and Annie's lack of modesty. The ice-burst stones shine like bright blue fireflies through the barrack's dusty windows, giving Armin light to scrabble out of bed and feed a now growing fire before diving back beneath the covers.

Annie remains still beside him, snoozing softly even as movement from Armin getting comfortable shifts the bed. Her curled form reminds him that she is not a graceful sleeper, what with her face almost in a permanent frown, guarding herself even in sleep. To Armin's relief, the rest of her pale body is relaxed and limp as she dreams. A pinprick of curiosity spurs him to hold himself up on his side with an elbow, his other hand rising to carefully lift the blanket above her front.

Looking down, he's interested in how the faint squares of her abdominals become nearly invisible from every inflate and contract when air whistles past her lips. His eyes wander on how ankles from firm legs cut from marble idle next each other, leading up to a juncture where there's a light patch of blond fuzz.

Armin recoils back a little. This feels a smidge wrong to him since they haven't established boundaries yet, isn't completely sure what she will and will not allow him to do. As he sits and worries, restless hands bunch blankets between his legs, positive his stiffness is from a recent flood of rushing blood and not from an embarrassing case of morning wood.

Seeing her bare form reminds him of a few hours ago when nothing but pleasure twitched his fingers and curled his toes. He owes her a debt—truly wants to repay it too and do so in spades. He's just not sure if it's the needy fog of sex driving his hormone-riddled mind or if it's fulfilling his desire to make her feel good that moves him closer to Annie. He hovers thoughtful hands over her before moving them down.

Soft finger padding trace the trenches of her shoulder blades, traveling down to ever so lightly cup and slide down Annie's toned flanks. The firm globes of her rear are the next stage and Armin blushes so fierce, the fire across the room must get fuel to burn hotter from his searing red face. He takes his movements as slow as he can, gliding hands over her waist, then finally curling his palms on her muscled backside.

A light hum is all he gets, a distant acknowledgement of what he's doing might be okay. Gaining confidence, Armin advances, slipping a hand over her side for his fingertips to mimic playing the harp over her thin stomach. He runs over sides and quads perfectly forged from discipline and Armin can barely swallow throughout his study of her, his eyes glued on a physique so fighting-fit and perfect.

"There better be a good reason for you waking me up." Annie admonishes in a sleepy murmur. "That is, aside from you being perverted."

He's caught red-handed but he was always going to be. The young man runs a finger up the divide of her breasts because she hasn't shoved him away yet. "If just wanting to touch you is perverted then that's fine by me."

Annie snorts snidely. "Of course, it is." A pause. "Is that all you're going to do?"

A light smirk yanks at the side of his lip. "It doesn't have to be."

Another pause. "Well?"

If that's not an invitation to continue, he might as well be diagnosed as deaf right now.

He pecks the space behind her ear, a thank you for the go-ahead. He peels back the blanket over her, wanting to see his exploration of every junction and crease Annie's body has to offer. Fingertips slide up from below her navel to her breasts, her hard nipples tingling at his sweeping touch. He takes one soft mound in his palm, the other sliding up her back as a forefinger and thumb bend and play with the pink, sensitive bud.

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