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Tess was in awe as Mitchell drove up to his Villa, she was staring at the open green landscapes and when they finally got to his house she considered asking him if he was sure they weren't lost, she couldn't comprehend staying in a place like this all by yourself


Her mouth was agape as she turned to him making him chuckle

"Baby.....we're home"

"This HAS to be a joke right? You live here?"

"......well no WE live here"

"No I live in a crappy apartment with a view of traffic lights...."

"Well not anymore this is OURS now and you're always welcome to stay here"


He leaned forward and captured her lips with his own before she could say anything more, he hated how she looked at herself and thinking about how she'd struggled up to now. She always looked so well put together that you never think she had a hard time keeping her head above water but not anymore, he would make sure she would be treated like royalty

"So tonight you are mine and all mine"

He began making her smirk, "I always am"

"Good to know......tomorrow morning.......well what do you do in the mornings before going to work? That is when you're not entertaining me ofcourse"

He smirked mischieviously and moved her shirt aside nibbling on shoulder

"I work out"

He sat back eyebrows raised, "Work out?"


"So I've been distracting you from going to the gym? You know sex is a good work out too"

"No buddy no loose corners I'm going to a gym there must be one somewhere around here and YOU are going with me"

He groaned loudly and gave her a pouty face undoing his seatbelt, "Come on Miss Tess let's get inside"

**************rewrįte the ştårş**************

".....and finally my favourite part.....the pool"

Tess followed Mitchell outside and audibly gasped at the pool area, "Mitchell this is amazing I can't believe you own this place"

He laughed at her astonishment and walked towards her grabbing her and lifting her up bridal style

"If you throw me in this pool I'm kicking you're ass"


"Mitchell.....", she warned and he put her down gently

"You are such a spoil sport"

"I'd rather be that than a wet rat to be honest"

He laughed even harder and grabbed her from behind pulling her tightly against his chest, "You make me so happy"

She smiled and looked over her shoulder at him, "I love you"

His smile broadened, it never got old hearing her say those three magical words, "....and I love you", he kissed her neck a few times and turned her around grabbing onto her waist firmly while she instinctively threw her arms around his shoulders, ".....tonight I'm cooking for you, what do you like?"

"I don't care"

"Oh come on......spaghetti? "

"Mmmmm......yeah that actually sounds nice"

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