❤My Love, My Life❤

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Hush little baby
Don't say a word
Daddy's gonna buy you....

"Anything but a mocking bird....I'll buy you a pony"

Mitchell chuckled looking down at the little sleeping bundle in his arms, he stared at her little features and marveled at how perfect she is. He looked up when he heard a soft sigh, Tess was sound asleep on the hospital bed. He admired her even more now than ever having seen what she had gone through to give life to his child.

This little body cradled in his embrace was the ultamite proof of their shared love and devotion to one another and he would spend the rest of his life thanking God for bringing her into his life.

"She is gorgeous isn't she?"

He smiled hearing his mother's voice from the door and nodded

"And I'm just telling you already if you and you're future wife want a night to yourself.....", she walked forward offering her arms to him and he obliged gently laying his baby in them, ".....her grandmama is looking after her"

He stood up and walked to Tess kissing her forehead, "She's been asleep for a while I should get her something to eat and wake her"

Lorraine nodded never taking her eyes off the little one, "Have you decided on a name yet?"

"Actually no but her middle name is Lorraine"

She looked at him for the first time tears forming in her eyes, "Really?"

He nodded and walked to her pecking her on the cheek, "Why would it not be? She's you're first grandchild"

She smiled, "First? Well-"

"I spoke too soon", he laughed and shook his head walking to the door, ".....if she wakes up tell her I'll be right back"

****rewrįte the ştårş****

"Thank you"

Tess smiled as Mitchell put the glass of water next to her

"My pleasure"

He took her hand and kissed the back of it, when he tried to stand back she grabbed his shirt and pulled him in giving him a sensual kiss

Saen rolled his eyes, "Glad to see you two are all lovey dovey again"

They just laughed and looked at each other, he sat on a chair next to her not letting go of her hand. The silence was broken by a sudden cry, Lorraine stood up smiling at the little girl

"I bet you want you're mommy"

The crying got louder as she picked the baby up and walked to Tess, "Shhh baby I'm taking you to her sweetheart"

Tess bit her bottom lip and held out her arms happily accepting her little bundle. A nurse came in and smiled brigtly

"Are we ready for our first feed little one?"

She walked to Tess and smiled, "Are you ready?"

Tess nodded and leaned forward as the young woman undid her hospital gown and helped her slide it off so her breasts were exposed

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