People live from day to day.
I live from night to night
The night is cold and the night is dark
The day is hot and bright
In the day you can see little in the dark
In the night you can see wonders
In the night the dark sun burns bright
You can't see it or feel its light
Only we people of the night
As the dark sun burns inside our mind
I can see with the eyes of the sun
I can see the things people fear
We people of the dark, we see things different
You see things that are lit by light
We see the things that glow
So if you find yourself awake in the silence and the dark
Know that you- for a moment- are one of oursThe dark
So full of life
Everyone in the world is in the dark
Everyone in the world can feel it then
The dark
Its fingers that grasp your arms and pull you into another land underneath your bed.
The dark and furry people who live there, with pointy fingers that smell of the dead.
You didn't obey the law of your world, so you had to be taken down to theirs.
Now that you are living here they'll make you work til you grow gray hairs.
How can you leave a place that was never there?
How can you escape a place that is trapped inside of you?
All you have to do is turn on the light, and call my name.Spiraling down. Falling backwards. The world is only black and white. Why should I be here? When will I go there? How can I belong in a place if it doesn't belong to me? My eyes aren't what they used to be. Stand a little closer so I may see. The paper is smooth, the things you did were dreadful. What on Earth am I to do now that you have done this? I'm falling over once again until I'm right side up, I'm in a rocking chair again but I can't get up. Everything is so unusual, the black is always white. I still can't see any people, god, the world feels so tight. My head is rolling, my eyes are spinning, I'm getting kind of nauseous. When did this start, how will this end, what could possibly cause this? I think I did but I did not, maybe I did but it didn't work. I'll try again and I should see some wonderful results, and surely I'll be happy.
Rhyme scheme
Shmyme scheme.
An introduction to my mind
PoesíaI just feel like writing something right now A weird collection of thoughts and ideas I have whenever I'm alone. My thoughts and ideas are surprisingly difficult to put into words, so I apologize if the writing is a bit weak.