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Warning: Involves Infinity War but I change the whole story. Just a heads up. And this is a long chapter which practically tells the whole story.

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- H E R A -

My To Do List (Avengers style)

• Save everyone from Thanos during Avengers: Infinity War

• Kill Thanos

That was the first thing I wrote on my paper after I watched the Avengers: Infinity War. And by everyone, I mean save everyone including Vision, Gamora and Loki because he's my favorite character in all the MCU movies. Well, he's second to Tony Stark. And Peter Parker is the third. So, I have to appear to the part where Loki was killed. And I have to prevent that!

Anyway, after I finish writing all my list, I started packing my bag which consist of valuable things like my clothes, wallet, notebook, comic books, weapons, two flash drive-- which all have the MCU movies from beginning until Avengers: Endgame and other movies, gadgets, chargers, a whole box of stone size arc reactor for Vision, and of course, my yellow shades.

After checking my notebook that has all the list, I started to create a portal using my sling ring just like Doctor Strange, because why not? I'm an author. Just one write and it'll happen. And from the other side, I can see a dark surrounding with a few familiar silhouettes and Thanos himself. I step in and immediately hid myself on a corner while slightly peeking my head to watch.

"That was a mistake." His deep voice made shudder but not in fear. I close my eyes as Thanos stab Heimdall in the heart. Though, Heimdall only gave a short groan of pain but continues to stare at Thanos without fear.

I shook my head. Heimdall is my favorite character while watching Thor's movies because he knows everything but still remain mysterious. He is-- was wise and always protects Asgard with all his strength. But today, I cannot save him from his death. Both he and I knew he was meant to die. But for now, all I can only do is to pray his soul reach Valhalla.

"No!" I can hear Thor's voice crack which made me frown. I immediately grab my secret weapon: My phone. I started typing a few words which made the Tesseract on the ground to magically disappear without notice and I immediately typed another few words which made a prototype of the Tesseract to appear in my hands, with the same glow, stone inside, power, and ability when use but is limited.

Yes, that's my secret powers. Now that I'm in their world, I can just write a few words in my phone and things will eventually happen. And I'm also an author so a few edits, add or erase some words, make things happen and it will happen. That why it's so cool.

Thanos pushes the spear deeper into Heimdall's and his eyes became glassy before he fell limp in his place.

"You're going to die, for that!" Thor panted heavily, gasping.

Maw waved his hand and a piece of metal flew over to Thor and covers his mouth. Maw brought his hand to his lips and shushed him.

Now this is why I hate Ebony Maw. Everything in him is so hate-able! My blood boils everytime I see in the movie. I know they're just CGI but still. So ugly and mean and evil.

Just then, I saw Maw walk towards Thanos and kneeled in front of him with a frown on his face which confused Thanos. "My sire, the Tesseract is suddenly not on the ship." He said.

Then, the whole ship rocked. I look over and saw Thanos making his way at Loki who was yet to recover before Thanos took hold of the green god in a choke- hold. And that made me mad and at the same time nervous and fear.

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