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WARNING: All contents are about the Endgame. You must watch the movie before reading this. That is highly recommended. Unless you already watched it.

Italics — Will be for the movie script and actions.

Italics with line — Added part of the movie.


I woke up bright and early, maybe at around six am. I fixed my bed, got showered and changed clothes. By the time I got out of my room, the others are still down except Vision, Steve, Bucky, Sam, and Natasha who were in the kitchen while Bucky and Steve ran around the Compound. How do I know? Because I can see them outside through the window.

Meanwhile, Nat and Sam are drinking coffee while Vision is— is he trying to cook? I craned my neck up a bit and saw all American breakfast he prepared. Wow, he deserves an applause.

"Hey, guys." I casually greeted.

"Your up early." Nat comments as she took a sip on her coffee while Sam gave a lazy salute.

"Yeah, got some other things to do." I quickly grab my dimensional sling ring, phone and backpack at my room before coming back. "If anyone asks, tell them I'm hanging out with Superman and Batman at HISHE café."

(If you are watching HISHE on YouTube, you know what I mean.)

"Ciao!" And with that, I was gone.


". . . And that's how I helped them save the universe." I said, looking proud.

"So, you mean to tell me that you save the universe by going into their dimension and helped them defeat Thanos?" Superman asked.

"Yup." I replied before taking a sip on smoothie.

"Damn. Why didn't you do that in our universe?" Batman glared.

"I already knew you could defeat Ares without a sweat." I shrugged my shoulders. "Plus, I'm not quite a DC fan. But I still watch your movies."

"That. . . Kinda hurts my feelings." Superman said with a small frown.

"Wait, movies?" Batman asked with his eyebrows raise.

"Did I say 'movies'? I meant motion." I nervously replied to which both heroes looking at me suspiciously.

"Oh, would you look at the time." I immediately stood up and grabbed my backpack. "Gotta bounce."

"Bye!" And with that, I disappear through a portal back to the Compound.

"Did she forget that we're on a dimensional café? We could just follow her." Superman raised an eyebrow at Batman who shrugged his shoulders.

"Go ahead." Batman grumbled.

"Don't you wanna come?"


"Why not?"

"Because I'm Batman."


"So, where's Helena?" Tony asked, his eyes looking around for the girl, which is me. Everyone are currently at the dining room, eating breakfast together and I'm the only one missing.

"You mean Hera." Peter corrected which made Tony roll his eyes at the kid playfully.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

"Went on a café, talking with Superman and Batman." Nag shrugged while Tony still look skeptical.

"Who's that?" Steve asked.

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