What is love?

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~be Karkat again~

a deeper sigh escapes my lips as I tap my fingers on the counter top. My 'boss' has left me to work a few minutes ago so I guess that's good. Everything except for Da- "sup kitkat" speak of the devil, here he is in the flesh. "don't call me that.. and what do you want? should probably make it quick so I don't have to go jump off a roof from intense irritation and aggravation or something, cause I may just do that with your presence still here" he looked hurt but I knew it was fake. His hand was placed over his heart. "wow vantas, that hurts. I'm so sad now, I cannot believe you would say such a thing" I rolled my eyes, knowingly of his shenanigans.

"jegus strider, I might actually pity you and your pathetic attempt at sarcastic hurt. what did you come in here for, specifically for the purpose of making my day even worse then it started out to be? or is that just me" okay maybe I'm being a little harsh. whatever what's said is said and done. "jee karks, crabby today. can't a guy come into a videogame store to browse the videogames? Or is that not allowed in videogame stores anymore?" he was smirking ever so slightly, drinking in my annoyance. "Oh shut up and just get whatever it is your getting. I'm tired alright" I yawned and looked at the clock by the television sets playing videogame previews. It was 9:30pm "I could tell" he deadpanned. "Jee thanks."

I rested my chin on my hand that was being propped up by my elbow sitting on the countertop by the cash-register. "Any time vantas, any time" I nodded tiredly almost falling asleep right there. That's when I realized 24 minutes has gone by since Dave came in. Slowly my arm fell and I yawned. "night~" I mumbled, a little drop of drool sliding off my lip.

"Karkat?" he tapped my shoulder, trying to wake me up. "huh? kankri please go away" 'kankri?' Dave thought. he shook my shoulder a bit. "karks wake up" I yawned and tiredly opened my now half lidded eyes. "what?" I stared at him lazily, looking around to see if anyone else was around but it's just dave and I. "come on karks don't sleep on me, I really just got here like.. half an hour ago" he sighed "actually I should be going. gotta get this strider some shut eye" he pointed to himself.

This whole time I really wasn't paying attention. "strideeer" I said quietly, repeating what he said mid sentence without realizing it. "huh?" Dave raised one brow at me, it barely peeking up over his sunglasses, I shook my head as my boss yelled and startled me in the process. "fUCK!" was my boss, I jumped slightly. "can I just get my ass out of here for the gog-damned night? Because shit, it's getting late" I Yelled at him. "your boss sounds nice as fuck" Dave's sarcastic reply was just over heard past the yelling.

"Put your till (I think that's what it's called) in your locker and get everyone else out to" Came his reply. I sighed and did as he said. I looked at Dave, still standing behind the counter "I thought you were leaving." I grabbed a small box from under the counter and started to lock everything up. my boss left out the back doors so don't think I'm locking him in just yet. "I am." Dave followed behind me as I locked the front door after weaving through the shelves of games and 'coming soon' signs. "then why are you still following me" I looked at the parking lot to see one red jeep in the dark.

"just needed to wait to ask if, you need a ride home" that's unusually nice I think.

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