oh fuck me

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Be The fluffy haired albino ==>

I sighed with a small smile "..want to go get some coffee after work then..?" I murmured. "Can't. Sorry dude, I have to go shopping with Bro" He smiled. "Can't he go do it himself???" He laughed. "Nah, if I let him he'd spend the money on weird bondage shit for his 'collection' or something strange like that" a small pout formed on my features. "..fine.. Bye Strider"

•author POV•

Karkat nuzzled his nose into his scarf, engines firing on in the background behind all of the birds quiet chirps in the cold winter air. 'Since when do birds stay for winter? Whatever lets just get inside.' Karkat's thoughts seemed off today. Maybe he's off.. As Karkat kicked snow from his black converse and walked to the counter he said "I'm here!" Out came his friend, Terezi. She worked here part time too? "Tez? When the hell'd you start working here?"

The blind girl cackled loudly before replying "I got Kanaya to tell me where you were working!" Karkat growled and covered his ears, "ehehehe! Karkleeees you have a costumer~!" He looked over slowly and saw a tall guy wearing a light brown jacket with a symbol of two wings a black and a white one with a light grey border around them. "..." Helooked at him, a small guy walking from behind him with the same blank expression as the one Strider always has, 'ugh back to Strider huh? actually he kind of looked like he could be shorter then I'. "Hurry up brat." The shorter male said to the smiling taller. They both were wearing identical outfits from what I could tell.

"I'd like these please" the brunette said. He nodded and placed them in a bag after ringing them in. "10 boondollars and 4 cents.." Karkat said looking at the tall brunette.. "10 dollars and 4 cents? Okay.." He nodded and took the money from his hands-they were soft-,putting it in the cash register. "Can you please fucking sign this" I yawned. And the male, now known as Eren Jäger, according to his signature, signed the receipt and handed it to me.

•back to KK•

"Come again" I waved them off, leaning on the counter. I noticed the shorter raven black haired man kiss the talkers cheek before they walked off into the cold air. I looked at the customer Terezi was dealing with, they look like fucking tools. "Hey, what's up with your eyes?" The girl said to Terezi. "..I'm blind that's why they're like that" Terezi said sadly. I felt my face heat up, I was boiling with anger.

"Then how the fuck did you even get this job? You must be some kind of freak!" My eye was twitching, that's it! "I'VE HAD IT WITH YOU, LEAVE HER ALONE. NOW!" I snapped. "Karkat- it's fine, really!" "Aw looks who's defending the blind girl" a man said. "THEY CAN'T SAY THAT TEREZI! GET YOUR ASSES OUT OF THE STORE BEFORE I DO IT FOR YOU!" I bared my fangs at them, snarling.

They made a weird look and said "wow, freaks" before rolling their eyes and leaving. A few people were staring at us but I was too angry to be nice right now. "DON'T STARE UNLESS YOU WANT A FOOT UP YOUR-" "KARKAT!" Terezi said, tearing up. " stop it!" "But they-" "NO! Karkat you can't do that any more... It's fine, they just wanted to know" I frowned and sighed. "..sorry" everyone went back to what they were doing, as did I.

The rest of my day was fine beside that, after the tension cleared out we were back to normal, Terezi pointing out my mistakes and me cussing like no tomorrow until it was time for us to depart. "Bye Tez" I waved as she left with her sister Latula. "Bye Karkles!" " Hey.. Can you come pick me up?" I asked Kankri on the other end of my cellular phone. "Of course, your at work I assume?" I nodded even though he couldn't see it. "Yes. It's cold as shit so hurry up"

I locked up as Kankri pulled in the drive through, putting my till in my locker.

~time skip brought to you by the author~

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