This is absolutely NOT love

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==> be Dave

I unlocked the car and looked over at Karkat's moping form behind me. "Yo Karkat ya' comin'?" He nodded, tripping on the curb a bit, in his own world. "Time sure fliiiiies doesn't it?" Karkat said as he crawled into the passengers side when I opened the door. "Sure" came my reply through choppy chuckles. It's like he's high or something.

Once I got him home I made him supper then he took off his shirt an crawled into bed. "Night dave" he hummed, rolling over in his blanket and proceeding to sleep, so I left. "Night Karkat" I hopped back in my jeep and made my way to my bro and I's apartment.


I jumped from my laying position in my bed, instantly awake at the alarming sound that startled me. Why you gotta blare like that? I asked my alarm clock and shrugged it off, pushing the comforter off my legs as I swung them over the side of my bed and yawned. "Guess you never heard of a lil' break down" and by break down I mean, literally break down the alarm clock to shut the thing up. It's bright in here, where the hell'd my shades go? Ugh whatever. I'll deal with them later.

Chuckling, I stood up and walked to where my turntables sat in the corner, looking through the mess of random junk until my phone finally appeared by the charger "right on" I mumbled, taking the plug out and turning on the phone. I slid my screen to the right, punching in the letters to my pass code on the screen of my iPhone so I can access the apps downloaded into the machine. "...holy shit" I read a huge wall of text formed into a large rant. I smirked and chuckled once more. Vantases and their rants.

I look through all that Karkat said, ignoring over half of the text. Meh I'll read it later, I am not yet awake enough to read so much. Instead of typing a completely snarky reply I responded to the text with 'sup man' making my way down the hall then sliding the rail to the bottom of the nearby staircase showing off all my swagger in the process. "Damn" I grunted, landing almost face first with the floor before putting my hands out to catch me on what seems to be Bro's chest. "Well shit, mornin' Dave"

I pushed away from him and walked over to the kitchen "mornin' Bro" he followed behind me as I started making tea. Yeah, tea so what? Fuck off dude, shits better then coffee like damn son. I shoved my thought away, realizing what was wrong with that situation, why talk to my inner self when I have a totally sweet Bro behind me. "Why'd you come home so damn late?" Bro asked, sitting at the table.

"And save the shit for later" he added. I guess it won't hurt to tell the truth. "Yeaah, I went and got some videogames at the store kitkat just got a job at." He gave me a look. "I'm not jokin' take a look at the rant he sent me" I chuckled, sliding my phone towards him as I sat down, tea in hand. I lifted the steaming cup to my lips and went to take a sip of the hot smooth liquid in my mug. "D'ya fuck im'?" I burnt my lips and dropped my cup on the table, instantly wincing at my, now swollen red, lips. Reaching up to press my sleeve to my lips I grimaced. (Im' = him or em' I suppose)

"Oh shit" I held my sleeve to my lips, eyes shut. "fffuck" I hissed out as Bro smirked slightly, I knew he was either going to say something like "how's the tea taste?" or "hey watch where you spill your tea" maybe even "so you did fuck the lil' Vantas" I grunted and pulled my sleeve back, my lips dark with blood filling them but not daring to leave my lips. He pursed his lips before saying "I knew it" I snorted "yeah right, I didn't fuck him. I did happen to drive the fucker home and see him shirtless"

I licked my lips to try and numb the pain. "Are your burnt-ass-lips bothering you that much?" He chuckled and I squinted, "damn straight." He leaned in front of me. "Bet I could make that feel better~" I laughed. "No thanks Bro. I can handle it" he smirked and leaned back. "Call me any time" he said, handing back my phone.

"Dave fucking Strider answer your gog-damn phone!" I listened carefully to the voice messages he sent me, smirking. "Damn" I licked my still red lips, they were chapped a bit. Guess that's what the cold nipping at my skin in the winters gonna do. I heard two rings go by as I tried to call the grumpy fellow on the other end. Then he picked up. "Y-" I was cut off "finally gog! How long should it take just to get you on?! Ugh I don't even know why I'm talking to someone with the likes of you" I chuckled "whatever Kitkat. Need a ride to work?" He sighed letting me hear him shuffling around. "Yeah actually, Kankri ditched me."

"Sounds like a plan then, I'll swing by in 20" I heard him grumble before hanging up abruptly. "Wow, didn't have to be an ass about it" I quickly hopped up, dashing towards the stairs and through the halls then into my room, diving at my closet in a majestic like way, seeming to now somehow have on a baggy red and grey sweater, a dark great beanie to go with the sweater and decided to keep on some red pyjama pants with fuzzy red hearts on them that I just so happened to be wearing once I woke up.

Yeah they're comfy as hell. "I'm out!" I yelled to Bro, jumping out my open window with the car keys to avoid any contact with the elder Strider. I jumped in my jeep and drove as fast as I could, squinting at the snow heavily falling down on my vehicle. "Shit my leathery ass will be cold after if I don't get that damned hood up. Better talk to the polar bears and let 'em bathe in my hot cool and badassery to maybe convince them of giving me some fur" A fluffy haired student stood outside of his house, waiting for me to pull up. "Yo Kitkat, Hop in!" I waited where I was instead of confronting him face to face. "Ugh" he grumbled, getting in the jeep beside me on the passengers side.

"It's about time, I was trying to talk to you all morning" I rolled my eyes. "Hey wait-" "whys it so fucking bright out here?" His eyebrows knit in confusion, looking at me. Like right at my eyes. How can he- "shit" I looked away quickly "shit shit shit shiiit, stop looking at my eyes I swear to fuck!" I bit my lip in attempt to calm down. I sped up and quickly parked into the parking lot of his working place. "Hey-" he tried to say something but I panicked and pulled my hat over my eyes. "No.. They're hideous and no one can see them" I sighed and shut my eyes after shutting the jeep down.

I felt a hand on my face, causing my cold pale cheeks to warm up in a colourful blush. "I like them.. They.." He pulled my hat over my eyes and frowned. "My eyes.. Are like that too" my eyes widened. "..r-red?" My scarlet irises, look like a burning lava yet people think they're the eyes of the devil. No wonder I'm an albino freak with deep red eyes. "Yeah..."

ALRIIIIIGHT SO, IT'S BEEN AWHILE AM I RIGHT??? HERE'S THE NEXT CHAPTER. ANOTHER WILL BE MADE SOON, AFTER I MAKE CHAPTERS FOR MY OTHER STORIES. :D BEAR WITH ME CHUMS, I KNOW THIS IS A STORY (I think) PEOPLE MAY ACTUALLY BE TAKING A LIKING TO XD. DAVEKAT AND SOLKAT HUH? I SEE THOSE ARE GETTING TO BE SHIPPED SO HARD THESE DAYS, ITS FANTASTIC. yet somehow I've been reading a lot of erisol and levi x Eren, from AOT or SNK. yeah. Also, that fanart is not mine in anyway! I don't do computer art or.. whatever. I'm best with my handy-dandy pencil.

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