TROY has 2 managers. Both have divided roles.
1. Lee Steph
Management areas : Workout, Stage and DealershipCharacter : The group members joke about him being their boyfriend, Outgoing and Obsessed with Bollywood
Recruited by BigHit through scholarship.
2. Choi Nika
Management areas: Staff,schedules and CostumesCharacter: Usually behind the scenes, Shy and Clumsy
Recruited by BigHit through interview.
- Both live along with TROY at their house.
- Talk shit about them and you're messing with the wrong gang. 😤😤
Adventures Of Troy { A story of 6 dreamers}
Humor"Is that my bra?" "Yepp , and I look better in it than you do" . . . . . "I wouldn't have reached here without you guys" "You're drunk aren't you?" "YEAH!!!" This story is for those who always wonder while reading my stories about how TROY originate...