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Mom, dad and aunt Toya met us at the hospital. Ebony hasn't left KJ's side and Brianna , Dash and I have been stuck in the waiting room for most of the night.

"You think the food court is open?" Brianna leaned pass Dash's face to see me.

"Is there a time when you're not thinking about food?" Dash asks with a raised eyebrow and a smirk on Brianna's face indicated that whatever she was about to say was outrageous.

"Yeah, when I'm eating pussy." She laughs before standing up and walking down the hallway.

"I shouldn't of asked.  " Dash shook his head in disbelief of her answer and I just rolled my eyes. "He's going to be okay.. just one little bullet taking King out ? No way."

His wording was weird but hearing it come from him really comforted me.

A few moments later and a doctor popped out of the surgery room with his surgical mask still covering half his face.

"Sumner family?" He asks and once he gets a confirmation nod from my father he continues. "kJ is going to be fine... he is still knocked out from the anesthetic but he should be up within a few hours."

"Thank God!" My mom clasped her hands together hearing the good news and Aunt Toya enveloped the doctor in a tight embrace.

"Kimani?" I looked over noticing that my father was still standing off to the side with a blank expression on his face.

"Who did this to him?" His voice was harsh and sounded as if he was holding back tears.

"Didn't they catch him?"

"No! Because someone thought it would be smart to leave him alone!" As he co to her to speak spit was shoot out of his mouth onto my face.

"Alright..." I frantically wiped the spit off of my face. "I'll handle it."

"Handle it?" Dad laughs at my response, "What exactly are you going to do, huh?"

I furrowed my brow, not liking his reaction to what I just had said, "I'll handle it." I turned myself away from him and left him huffing and puffing in anger. I wanted to be the one to find Sean and take him out. There is one thing you never do and that's cross the Sumner family... especially not my brother. As I muddled with my thoughts, I even thought about getting Kiara just because she wanted to stir some shit up in my life.

A few hours had passed and once KJ was awake we were allowed back in the room. Ebony was standing by his bedside spoon feeding him apple sauce, Brianna was sitting on the edge of the hospital staring up at the TV. Dash and I were sitting off in the corner quietly.

"Aye, Dash." KJ broke the silence in the room but the air felt weirdly tense

"What's up man?" Dash stood up to set himself by KJ's bedside.

"You really love my big headed ass sister, huh?"

"Yeah... I do."

"You got my blessings.... just don't break her heart." KJ smiled up at Dash and the two moved in and I thought they were going to dab it up but instead they hugged each other.

"Y'all two together and Ebony and our baby." kJ turned his attention to Ebony who was looking away awkwardly.

"I actually think it's best if the two of us just stay friends.... you have full access to your baby though."

The air got awkward again as nobody knew what to say but I knew the silence was short lived once Brianna hopped off the bed.

"Yoo! That means you win the money!" Brianna walked over to give Ebony a high five.and when she didn't return it, she took her hand making her slap five anyways.

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