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I wanted to wake up early to check on mom but when I went in to her room she was already laid in bed talking with Aunt Toya.

"Hey mommy... auntie." I smiled as I peaked my head in to the room. "You okay ma?"

She obviously wasn't okay, her eyes were puffy and bright red and I don't think I've seen her without her hair done and face beat since I was a little girl.

"Come here." She patted the spot between her and Aunt Toya and just like I use to do with her and dad, I climbed in between the two of them. "You got so big.." she rested a hand on my the nape of my neck.

"Mom.. I asked if you were okay.." I looked over at Aunt Toya who just gave me a soft smile. "I mean how did you find out dad was cheating?"

"Ebony's mom came fo me and told me the night of the baby shower.. he was trying to push up when she was changing in the back room." She took a deep breath and exhaled an exaggerated breath. "I didn't believe it... you know the whole coming to me as a woman, I thanked her for letting me know and I finally looked through his phone.. so many unsaved bumbers and nudes."

"Oh.." I was at a lost for words with all the crazy shit in my life the only stability I really ever had was my mom and dad. I knew dad wasn't the greatest but he was great for mom.

I guess not anymore.

""I'm so sorry sweetie." Aunt Toya leaned over my lap and rested a hand on moms lap. The expression on her face was one of sympathy but I couldn't help but think inside Aunt Toya was happy that for once mom's relationship was in shambles and not hers. "Everything will be okay... "

I nodded in agreeing with Aunt Toya, everything was going to be okay. She wouldn't lose anything. The house ? Dad liked to think he was racking in the money but it was KJ. The cars ? Only one of them dad paid for and her luxury brunchesa and spa days with her friends were complimentary of KJ.

The only thing she was losing was the love of her life.

My mom grew very accustom to the life that my father placed her in at a young age. She didn't want for anything, she never had to ask, she never even had a job last the age of 20 as far as I know. All that being said, I have a feeling mom would give up this life style in a flash just to have her husband back. It isn't like it's over between the two of them... she could forgive him. That's what most females do, they get sad, angry, and forgive. Mom wasn't like most females though.... she had a wrath 10X worse than dad. She always quoted, "hell hath no fury like a woman scorned."

I placed my hand on top of Aunt Toyas and the shine from the ring Dash had given me last night caught my attention. I'm guessing it caught the attention of Auntie and mom too because their gaze followed mine.

"Where'd you get that?" Mom questioned, picking my hand up and examining the ring closely. "It's a fine ring."

"Dash gave it to me last night... it's a promise ring."

"Promise for marriage?" Although her face was gloomy, flushed and her eyes were puffy she looked genuinely happy as she asked her question.

"I guess so...." I looked away and for the first time in a long time, I felt uncomfortable with all of the attention on me because I felt like this moment should of belonged to mom and her situation.

"That is a pretty fucking ring !" Aunt Toya exclaimed. "Look at that shine."

"I always found these little gestures cute... meaningful of something." Mom lowered my hand back down on to my lap. "When I was younger, I always wanted your dad to give me one , I thought it would set our love in stone, you know? but he was too busy running the streets."

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