The Mime ~ Part 2

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Toothy's smile shrunk a bit as he took notice of the solider's disappearance and reappearance outside, though it wasn't much of a big deal. He found it kind of interesting such a man lacked much social experience, despite serving his years throughout the military. Well at least he knew by doing this, attempting to actually get out and speak to new people was a new start for him. Though, he believed talking to a mime of all people wasn't really the best choice. The most he could give was credit for Flippy's attempt though. He seemed to be really trying, according to Toothy himself judging the other's actions from a distance. It was almost adorable, but he pushed that aside for now.
Splendid walked up to the window and stood beside the man, shoving his hands in his pockets as both his smile and gaze softened. "So.. what do you think of him?" He questioned, turning his head a little in the waiter's direction. The purple individual narrowed his eyes slightly as he continued to look through the transparent wall before them, trying to piece together a proper answer. "He's... got a long way to go for sure. Though he seems pretty off in a way. Don't you think?" Toothy turned to the hero, his eyebrows raising with curiosity. A chill creeped across Splendid's back as he couldn't meet the other's stare, knowing that there were many things off with the solider, being the first one in town to witness only a portion of it. It may have not been a complete reveal for his alter's true nature, but it was still a shock for him... and potentially a massive threat. He wasn't one to quickly judge. What if his alter wasn't as scary as he looked? Flippy once described its appearance to him. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad.

"I mean.." The hero cleared his throat. "Don't you think that with every newcomer in this town?" He turned to Toothy, watching the other look away and smile. He knew Splendid was right though. "Got me there." Chuckling, he ran a hand over his forehead and through his hair, letting the breeze have an opportunity to brush on him. "Well, I just can't help myself. Sorry if that little accusation came out incorrectly." The purple man took off his apron and hung it over his arm. "I'm gonna go on break. I'll be down at the new cafe down the street. If you and Flip need something, hit me up. I'll be down to help with anything." He smiled at Splendid before turning away immediately, moving himself out of the building before the hero could say another word. Must've been in a hurry, but the other didn't bother to question it. Toothy was always moving and working anyways, like the beaver he was.


Flippy looked around continuously in embarrassment. The mime had already saw him and seemed to be greeting him, gesturing him to approach but the solider didn't seem to move along with it. Nearby people noticed the distance Flippy stood from the other, waiting for something to happen. Curious whispers began to fill the air.

"Who is the new one?" Asked one.

"I don't know. According to our counted days list he's quite new." Answered another.

"Jeez. Why is he being so weird?"

The one thing the solider feared yet despised was public judgement. Eyes surrounded him and stared. The anxiety that radiated from it all almost made him nauseated.
"Fuck.. I can't do this.." The veteran cursed to himself mentally, finally gathering the courage to turn away and make an unusually quick jog back to the building his new pals stayed in. Splendid on the other side of the glass seemed to stop smiling at the sight of this, visibly taking slight worry as he approached the door Flippy was headed towards. The solider came in, almost barging through the door.

"Woah woah what's wrong? Something happen?" Splendid rested a hand on the vet's shoulder, giving it a light squeeze. The other almost flinched under his grasp in response, making the hero jerk his hand away. Flippy began to shake his head and raised his hand in denial of the obvious guess of social anxiety. "Noth... Nothing. I just don't.. I don't have much ex... I just don't know how to talk to people." His face began to beam in a light shade of red. It almost seemed like he was finding an excuse, making the blue one narrow his eyes for a half of a moment before pushing it off as something new the vet now had to learn.

"Hm." Splendid's smile began to form at the corners of his lips again. "Maybe I could teach you. Socializing isn't too hard, but you may just have a limited social battery."

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