Long Time No See...

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The green demon continued to not react in the hero's grasp. Even though his hair was almost being ripped from his scalp, he somewhat managed to adapt and not resist to this for grueling hours. Splendid looked at him, Flippy smiled at the hero then looked forward. "You know you're not making progress, right?" He chuckled with a nervous smile. Splendid hunched over to look at him.
"Still no reaction? Christ, you're very hardcore...." Splendid sat on his shoulders and continued at his failed attempts to trigger a reaction out of the solider. Flippy slowed down his pace and looked up to meet the hero's eyes again, gently smiling this time. "Well, it's from training...It's enervating, but I excel at it."
"Training involves this? Wow, you made yourself a true solider!"
True Solider. That's what his former comrades used to say to him, even his general had called him the "True Solider". That is what made him successful, strong, and loyal. But the thing is, he didn't like the name. No, in fact, he hated it, to hell and back. To him the name meant his true colors. And those true colors.....are his now doppelgänger ego, known as ʎdbıl..
Flippy's face twitched at the name. He tried to keep himself under control, knowing that the hero was unaware of his hellish nickname. He used to think it was somewhat cool when it was first given to him. But after what the "humans" did to him.....



"Flippy? Flippy!" Splendid snapped his fingers continuously in front of Flippy's eyes, desperate to get an reaction out of the soldier. This wasn't natural.. He's never dealt with people like Flippy before, people who look seriously ill and change eye color.
The man's eyes were amber instead of emerald. Cloudy and dilated, almost dead looking....What was wrong with him?

Splendid let go after shaking the solider violently. He remained standing to see if anything was gonna happen, only to have him lose his balance and nearly fall flat on his face. Splendid caught him. He sighed and heaved the green haired man over his shoulder as he looked around for a place with air conditioning and water. To his luck, he found a cafe four blocks down after almost having to drag the solider down the street, remembering Flippy was scared shitless of heights.
The glass door dinged as he pushed it open, catching the attention of some employees behind the counter. They were preparing to open.
"Hey! What's up Splendid?" A smiling employee turned his head to face Splendid, who was setting the passed out veteran in a chair under an active air vent. The hero pulled out a chair next to Flippy and sat in it, trying to adjust to the building's shade. "Christ, I think I almost had a head stroke.." Oddly for the blue boy, he's capable of getting things like these, despite he's able to have laser beams shoot out of his eyes that are over 1000 degrees. Splendid huffed a little impatiently and held his face in his hands.

"I'll get both of you water, stay put."

Splendid looked up and saw a purple haired boy about his age turn around and walk away. His eyes were still adjusting to the dark but he managed to catch some details. The boy wore a purple V-neck sweater, with a grey collared shirt underneath. On him was a grey apron that a was a few shades brighter than his shirt underneath the sweater. A name tag with a neat name laid on the apron, but his dizziness prevented him from seeing it. He didn't care about it though, he was worried for Flippy.
He laid his head down on the table, staring at the solider. He saw his chest rise and fall peacefully.

"When will you wake up? Come on already!"


"It's coming for us! GET DOWN!!"

Upon hearing that, Flippy's whole group including himself got down behind the concrete balcony. A helicopter suddenly rose from the other side of the balcony as door gunners appeared from its sides and opened fire. It flew side to side, pushing in the windows behind the group with bullets. The sound of bullets zipping past roared in Flippy's ears.
He watched bullets tear through those who didn't react fast enough, and heard the chuckles and taunts of Federation soldiers as the death toll on his group went higher.
Many were down, and Flippy couldn't help but observe the bodies. He crawled to each of them, not daring to stand as he heard the helicopter still present behind the wall. He pushed each body he didn't recognize to the side, trying to avoid the smell of blood and fresh flesh. His stomach gagged as he saw the many injuries of his comrades. Some had bullets in their heads, many more on the rest of the body.
Still heavily anxious, he picked up a shard of glass nearby and held it up in front of him, in its reflection showed enemy soldiers making their way to the balcony from the helicopter. He immediately put his arm down.
Oh shit....
"We're investigating now, roger sir." Flippy heard the voices of the supposed leader of the group that had nearly taken his down. He feared the worst, getting captured, tortured and interrogated.
Flippy slowly turned his head to see another uninjured survivor laying in the debris of bodies and concrete. The sight of another living person gladly soothed him a little. He looked way older than Flippy, at least 31. His eyes showed the same fear.

"Play dead!" The man solider whisper shouted, then dropped to the floor as the enemy got close. Flippy copied the man's action, facing towards the concrete wall so they wouldn't see his face.

They looked at each body, gunning down the ones who showed signs of living. Many of them were either already dying or on the edge of death. Some died slowly, some didn't.
The enemy slowly made their way close to Flippy, looking at each body carefully, making sure that no one would jump up and stab someone. He heard someone walk near him and stop, he held his breath. It was his turn.

Flippy managed to catch the sight of another solider inspecting the other man reflecting off a glass shard before closing his eyes. Hell, that guy was actually doing a good job.

He wanted to shut his eyes tightly, but he had to relax. He held his breath.
He felt the solider stare at him quietly, before mumbling some curses under his breath. He probably didn't want to be here as much as Flippy did. He felt the muzzle of the solider's gun poke his back a few times, then the solider used his foot to kick Flippy over. Flippy had no reaction as he was used to this, but nearly tensed up when he felt the presence of the assault rifle pointing at his face. Oh, he hated guns.

The moment was too tense, he began to squirm a little. He prayed with his life. He was on edge to giving himself away. Suddenly to his luck, he heard the solider walk away from him. The solider that was inspecting the other man walked away as well. Thank god.
The two enemies suddenly began to speak to each other. The enemy was going to take these bodies and burn them.
Now they had to react.
A few soldiers left the group, leaving only two left. They continued chatting casually and slowly began to walk away. Flippy decided to move once they made some distance, he sat up a little.
Since the enemy was turned away, he checked on his surviving comrade. The solider looked back at him with a half stare of relief. Flippy continued looking at him for any injuries, none. Great so far. He then suddenly saw the man tense up and use his arms to prepare himself off the ground, waiting for the signal.

Flippy looked away, being forced to give the signal. "Shitting hell...." He didn't wanna, but he was gonna.
Flippy got ahold of a zombie knife, some unused grenades, and a pistol, he grabbed an extra knife and quickly stuffed it into his boot and got into a starting position as well. Flippy looked forward, this was an concerted attack they looked over just in case anything went wrong. He always came prepared. And he was grateful for that.
Flippy looked at him and lip synced numbers while doing hand gestures, ready.


They both charged at the enemy's backs, arduously pushing themselves off the ground. They both didn't know that fear could drain their energy this much. It was tiring, but it was either live or die. He managed to look at the man next to him, who pounced on one of the soldiers. Flippy proceeded to do the same, but when he saw the man in front of him turn around.....

Two amber devilish eyes gleamed at him, catching him off guard. He should've known...

While the charging man was caught off guard, the other smiled and grabbed him, tackled him to the ground, pinning him. Flippy struggled underneath his doppelgänger's weight but no avail. Evil smiled at him. "Look at me."
He felt Evil lowering himself closer to his face, almost feeling every breath Fliqpy exhaled.
"Dammit....Fliq!" Fliqpy's weight was staring to hurt like hell. His bones began to crack painfully at each struggle, he wondered how it's possible for his evil doppelgänger to weigh more than he does.
"If you don't look at me, I'll get heavier." Evil continued.
Fliqpy used this cruel way to make Flippy flip out unconsciously. It was hellish.
Fliqpy smiled. "Have it your way."
Flippy jumped awake.

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