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Hey to all!!

here is another installment to my Melancholy thread!

hope you all enjoy!!


Dear Puchki,

I don't know whether I can call you Puchki or not. You denied this name because I give you. But Asmita for me you will forever be my Puchki, my innocent yet mischievous bondhu, my only friend who always stood by my side to protect me. You were the greatest friend God can ever give anyone.

I know I have hurt you beyond repair. I have broken your heart into millions of pieces. And as much as I want I will never be able to fix it like it was before. I don't deserve you Puchki. You have done so much for me, always stood by my side, protected me.. and I.. I always broke your heart. You are so much better and I am so much worse.

I insulted you, disgraced you and rejected you always. But trust me Puchki I never wanted to. Since the day I got to know that you are my Puchki, whom I thought I will never meet again. I was so happy but that happiness faded away so fast. The moment I got you back you were again snatched away by my brother. He was madly in love with you and I had to let you go. I am sorry Puchki, I am sorry.

I don't deserve you, I don't deserve you. I with my own hands threw you out of my house. I asked you to come dressed and then I insulted you and threw you away. You begged me not to do this to you but still I did. You were right. You should have never forgiven me. But still you did. You supported me when everyone blamed me for Ridoy's condition.

But Puchki you left me. You left me by choosing Ridoy again over me. I know he needs you but how? How can I let you be his when the only person you love on this earth is me? Or maybe you used to love me. No, Puchki I am not accusing you or anything but may be you have moved on.

Puchki you remember in-front of Kaali maa you forced me to take our pheres back. You burnt our marriage certificate and declared that from now on no relationship existed between us. For you it was over but for me it wasn't. I always thought that you will come back, you will come back. But now I have realized that you will never.

Maybe this is our fate. Maybe we never belonged with each other. Maybe this is what Durga Maa has written in our fate. When you took a step ahead, I took a step back and now when I took a step ahead, you took two steps back. But you know it is absolutely okay, until you are happy. And I see you happy with Ridoy, it hurts me from inside but still I am happy to see you happy.

Asmita you remember what is today? Today is the most beautiful day of my life. We got married today. Even though accidently but we did. I wish I could have made this day memorable for you. It was supposed to be our first marriage anniversary. But..

According to you we are not married but still I have a present for you. I know you will be extremely happy to see it. It is something you wanted.

Asmita I wish you a happy life ahead and I will pray to Durga Maa that now no sufferings come your way.

Good Bye


As soon as the letter finished Asmita's eyes filled up with the tears. She was having mixed feelings in her mind. What present was he talking about? Why did he write this letter? And that Good Bye in the end why? Her mind was filled up with these questions and she started looking for the gift he was talking about.

"Searching for Shaan's gift?" Dadi Bua asked standing at a distance with a packet in her hands. "Dadi Bua.. Shaan.. Letter.." Asmita showed Dadi Bua Shaan's letter. Asmita was panicking thinking about Shaan and his well-being. "Asmita, this Shaan asked me to give it to you." Dadi Bua handed her the parcel.

Asmita opened the packet and as soon she saw what it was the letter and parcel dropped from her hands. She started crying loudly and chanted just one name "Shantanu.. Shantanu.." Dadi Bua tried to console her "Asmita.. I tried to stop him from doing this but.." "Dadi Bua, how can he just go away like this?" Asmita tears were no way going to stop. She wanted answers to her questions but there was no one to answer. She somewhere deep down knew her questions answers but was not ready to accept them.

He was gone and now all she was left with was his letter, divorced papers and her broken heart. 


Points to be remembered-

* none of the parts are inter-connected

* every update will have different story line

* please do not look for a happy ending.

~Meghna xD

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 17, 2019 ⏰

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