Chapter 1

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I don't know why they planned for a joint funeral, they hated Frank almost as much as they hated me. I had decided to place signs on the identical set of pews, so that people wouldn't get confused of who they were there for.

One half of the pews were for my little brother Frank, my fallen angel. The other half for the few people unfortunate enough to feel obliged to pay their respects to Paula and William, the couple made in hell and who also took the time to raise us in a 'loving and caring' environment. I'm relieved that only a few odd people have turned up for them after their secret was finally out. In my view I wish that they hadn't come. Paula and Will didn't deserve any love after the 16 years of hell they put me through, not even now that they were dead!

Frank would've hated this, all of the awkward conversations and boring hymns about trust in the Lord and love the next new blossom. The service was soon over though, but I know what he would have said; 'Utter bullshit!' He never ceased to humour me, well that is when we were not under the 'watchful eye' of Paula and William. I will tell you what they watched, they watched us cover our bruises and cuts as we slinked onto the faulty school bus every morning. We would grab every last minute of sleep on the bus because we knew that no-one could harm us there.

I'm stopped in my trail of thought, staring at the closest tree, by yet another comforting voice, but this time by one that I am glad to hear, Paula and Will's friend Jo. She was a family friend who we would always call 'Aunty Jo', many of my fondest memories were with her and Frank on our day trips to the zoo or the beach, or even just at her lovely farm house near Brighton making cup cakes and watching X Factor. "You seem to be handling this very well," she says giving me a warm bear hug.

"Well I thought Frank might not have particularly enjoyed me moping around not especially around our favourite aunty!"

She looked up and sighed at me, "You know that's not what I'm on about. Telling us what was going on was the right thing, I don't understand why you didn't tell me sooner though darling. I could've helped." She rolled up my sleeves and stroked my yellowing bruises, "Lord knows your mother wouldn't have liked this one bit..." she said under her breath.

"What did you just say?" I exclaimed, "You've known my mum this whole time and didn't bother to tell us?!"

"I shouldn't have said that now then eh Saph?" She stifled a small laugh and lead me back inside the small un-heated church. People had started to leave about an hour ago so the only people left in the church were a few tourists with their disposable cameras, the lady who runs the make-shift reception in the corner, the priest shuffling his papers for the next service and myself and Jo.

She sat me down on the only row of seats with cushions and started talking softly to me, "I know I should've told you this a long time ago but your mum insisted the day she left you that I keep an eye on you but not say who I actually was. She had you and knew that she couldn't handle the stress of an unplanned baby, so she found an adoption agency that would have you and sent you away, with me taking you through the process of picking your new family. Your brother, she hadn't planned on him either so she asked me to give him to your family, so that you would always have a real member of your family with you. I don't think she had planned on what might have followed though..."

"What are you telling me though, who are you, how do you know my mum?!" I sobbed.

"Darling, I am your aunt, not just your fake aunt this time, your real one. That is why I have always been such a big part of your life, to make sure you were being looked after. I am Aunt J-" Cutting her off i leap into her arms, giving her the biggest hug possible, not wanting to let go of her ever.

I wonder why I had never thought to ask her her second name, she had never got married or had children. One of the last things I heard from my former 'carers' was that we had kept our real names, that they didn't want us to really be in their family, that they only looked after us for the money.

That didn't matter for the time being though, I had an actual aunt. Jo and Sapphire Deyes in the world together.


This is my fanfiction, yay! I hope I didn't ramble too much in this chapter because i do tend to do that a bit! If you like it please tell your friends and I will aim to update every 1-2 weeks:) Thankyou and I will see you next week!

*Marcus Butler voice* byeeeeeeeeee;)

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