Chapter 2

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I collected all of mine and Franks stuff after the funeral, otherwise it would have been passed onto the next family to live in the isolated country house. Jo drove me in her Jeep to the eerily quiet mountain house, trailer attached to the back, I really didn't think we had that much stuff until we had finally packed my life up into a rickety farm trailer.

The drive was silent, and even though it was a Sunday, I refused to listen to the chart show, many of Franks recent favourite songs were still in the mix so I thought it would be better if I relieved myself from the pain of losing him.

The dust rose up around us as we raced up the large drive to my favourite home, I failed to question why there was another car peeking round the corner of the house. Maybe just a maintenance guy.

Jo put the kettle on and started to put all of the recycling into the bins outside, it had been raining early on in the morning but that didn't stop the cool sun from drying the roads ahead of us. Her house had always been the biggest I had been to with 7 bedrooms, I never bothered her about it though, her house was snug and homely, however big it was.

She placed a giant mug of hot chocolate before me with her special whipped cream and marshmallow combination which always warmed me right up.

"Now then Saph, there is another thing I haven't been telling you, remember when I said that you weren't planned?" She asked.

"Urm, yeah I guess..." She couldn't rub it in more really could she?

"Well before she had you she had a boy. She didn't want you because your father was barely managing with him let alone you and your little brother. I did offer to have you but she refused because then you would have known her as your aunt and not as your mum. She couldn't handle that so she carried on, struggling with her first child and grieving over the mistake she made with you."

"And... What secret have I to know this time?" I said cautiously.

"I thought you have had enough deception for now, and I want as much change as possible to keep your mind off what has gone on in the past month so..."

She tapped softly on the living room floor and sheepishly, a tall boy entered, presumably a few years older than myself, waved awkwardly and said, "Hi, I'm Alfie. So you are my little sister Sapphire then?"

I stood there, catching flies in my mouth until a sudden urge in me made me run up to this utterly distant, yet relatively close, stranger and gave him a bear hug . I started to sob into his early festive jumper and he started to stroke my hair, "Don't worry Sapphire, I've got you now."

I heard a camera go off but I didn't let go of my brother, I had another sibling. It didn't matter that I didn't know him, all that did was that I knew he would love me like I loved my baby brother.


I like this chapter because don't we all wish we had a big brother like Alfie?! We have only just met his character and I love him even more! Remember if you like what I am writing tell somebody who would as it would help more people discover me! Until next time



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