Part 1:The Day Has Come

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Silverpaw watched as Wolfstar sat upon high-rock her and her sister spottedpaw sat below it "we all gather here to celebrate silverpaw and spottedpaws warrior ceremonies!" Wolfstar meowed loudly for everyone to hear her father Coalfur her mother Goldendapple and her brother Brackenleaf sat not far from them looking proudly at them "Spottedpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your clan even at the cost of your own life?" Wolfstar meowed Spottedpaw had a smug look on her face when Wolfstar called her first "of course I do great leader" she meowed sweetly "then from this moment on you will be called Spottedfur serve your clan greatly" the clan called Spottedfurs name loudly Wolfstar waited until they calmed down then went on to me "Silverpaw do you promise to uphold the warrior code and protect your clan even at the cost of your own life?" Wolfstar meowed loudly "I promise to" I meowed excitedly "then from this moment on you will be known as Silverflower protect your clan with great strength" Wolfstar meowed proudly. The clan called my name loudly my sister glared at me through narrowed eyes my sister was very proud and self centered like my mother but me and Brackenleaf were more like our dad quiet and peaceful this was the best day ever she was finally a warrior. My sister had Bluefrost as a mentor I had Mintywing. It's going to the best being a warrior.
Tada! My first ever chapter I hoped you enjoyed this is my first ever story well I promise to keep updating have a wonderful day!      -wolfy

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