Chapter 8- Joey's POV

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Shane was still pacing. He kept mumbling under his breath. I could only understand every couple of words.

"...confused...why...Lisa...done?" He stops pacing and stares at me.

"Shane? You...ok?" I asked. He's still staring at me when a smile crosses his face.

"Yah...yah I'm fine. Great, actually." He laughs. He crosses over to me and sits next to me. He grabs my hand and puts his other hand on top.

"I may be a little crazy for saying this, Joey, but I think I like you too. And this is gonna sound weird but I think I've liked you for a while. I just kept pushing the feelings back and denying it and stayed with Lisa because I thought it was the right thing to do. But I was wrong. I like you, Joey..." He trailed off, smiling. I started to tear up.

"Is this a dream? Haha." I laughed, the happy tears starting to stream down my face. He wipes my tears.

"If it is, I don't want to wake up." He said. I laugh.

"Damn, can you be any cheesier?" I ask, still wiping my happy tears.

"Ugh, Joey, quit! Your gonna make me cry!" He shouts, tears brimming in his eyes. I put my hand on his cheek and kiss him.

"Boyfriends?" I simply ask.

"Boyfriends." He says with an uncontrollable smile. I kiss him again. And again. I kiss his nose. I kiss his cheek. Then I kiss his lips again. I sigh.

"What time is it? I ask, hoping this night will never end.

"Um, 9:34." He replies.

"...*sighs* I should probably get going. Meghan and David probably think I'm dead or something." As if on cue, my phone buzzes.

New Text Message from: Meghan!✌️


I reply.

Joey- Hey sorry! Hanging with Shane. Lost track of time. Be home soon!😜

I put my phone back in my pocket.

"I gotta go. TEXT ME AS SOON AS YOU WAKE UP, OK?!?!" I shout at him. He smiles at me.

"I'll wake up early just for you." I start to blush. I tend to do that with Shane around. I kiss him, not want to stop. He finally pulls away.

"Go before your roommates call the police thinking you're dead!" He says, dragging me off the couch.

"Uuugh ok ok! I'm going! Remember! Text me!" I say as I kiss him one more time.

"Byyyye!" I wave as I walk out of the door. He smiles and waves. I get in my car and he's still standing there with the door open. We wave one more time before he finally shuts it. I start my car, but don't leave. I sit there. Letting it sink in. In a day, I comforted Shane over a breakup, hung out, KISSED!!!!, and started a relationship. Wow. My future is finally starting to brighten.

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