Chap. 1

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"Why do you guys have to leave?!" I cried out as Chris tried to get me to stop crying, even though their soothing words should've been soothing. They weren't, so I pulled out of their grasp and ran up to my room and slammed the door shut, locking it right after.

It was not even 5 minutes before there was a knock on my door. I was just about to turn onto my side when I heard a muffled voice through the door that I couldn't ignore

"Vi? It's me, Ricky. Please let me in" he pleaded, I sighed and walked over and unlocked the door. He immediately pulled me in for a hug, probably glad that he could hug someone who was shorter than him. Well not that much shorter, I was 5'6 and he was 5'7. But still shorter and tinier.

"Look Violet, we still have two days left. I don't want them to be spent in sadness okay? And look on the bright sid-" I cut him off

"What bright side Rick"

"If you'd let me finish" he said and I smiled a little

"Look on the bright side, in 3 months we have a show here in Scranton, you'll see us then okay?" He said, and I nodded into his chest

"Do you think you're okay to go back downstairs now?" He asked while looking around my room, probably finding my posters of the band funny since I see them every day anyways.

"I think so" I said and he nodded, took my and and led me back downstairs, earning smiles from the rest of the boys.

"Sorry about that guys" I said while looking down, Chris came over and wiped the remaining tears from my cheeks.

I leaned up and attempted to hug the giant, and even though it was difficult I managed.

Then went on to hug Vinny, Ghost, and Ryan before we sat down and put on amityville horror.

I was sat next to Ricky so I turned to him and smiled, earning one back from him.

"Rick, can you get me a rockstar?" I asked, he smirked

"What, 5 isn't good enough for you missy?" He whispered and I tried not to laugh

"You know what I mean dumbass" I smiled and nudged him, before he smiled down at me and got up, bringing back two rockstars, one for himself I assumed

"Here" he handed me both before continuing, "One is for now, and one is for later. But if you drink them both now, you'll have to ask one of the other less lenient guys to get you one. And you know they won't" he said and I laughed and nodded.

We watched the rest of the movie and I drank only one rockstar, surprising everyone, before we fell asleep.


I groaned as I woke up, falling asleep on the couch had never been something I enjoyed doing. But I noticed I was less sore this morning, looking around to see everyone gone and me cuddled up to Ricky. My eyes widened, did I fall asleep like this? Or?

I decided to lay there and just enjoy this moment, they'd be leaving tomorrow morning and I wasn't ready for it, not at all.
After an hour or so I really had to pee, so I tried to move Ricks arm but when I did that, he just pulled me closer to him. My heart sped up, I wasn't sure why, but it did.

"Rick, I have to pee!" I whisper shouted to him, causing him to smile and reluctantly release his arm, and boy did I sprint to that bathroom. Probably the only time anyone will see me run that fast, unless it involves the fridge.

After using the toilet and washing up I walked back downstairs to see if Rick was still sleeping, and sure enough. He was.
I suddenly got an idea and an evil smirk formed on my face as I snuck up behind the couch, and at the right moment, jumped over it and onto Ricky, expecting to scare him but when I felt hands grip my waist and saw his blue eyes staring up at me, and only then did I notice the position we were in, causing my heart to beat faster, why was it doing that? Why now? Why right before they're leaving for tour.

It seemed my hands had a mind of their own, and decided to rest themselves on top of Ricky's hands. Making me feel calm, until Ricky raised his left hand and rested it on my cheek, and started to lightly pull my face down, making sure that I could pull away any time if I wanted to. But did I want to? Hell no.

Our faces were inches apart when we heard keys rattling, meaning the guys were home, I immediately jumped off of Ricky and walked into the kitchen trying to act casual and trying to forget the sigh that left Ricks lips when I practically ran away from him, did I feel bad? A little. But was I about to let the guys see Rick and I kiss? No. Definitely not.

"Hey guys! Want some lunch?" I asked them and they all shouted "YES" so I started on some grilled cheese and some wings, the only things I know how to make, and that was thanks to Ricky. Before I met him, I couldn't cook a thing without burning it.

I served the boys their food and ate mine quickly, before skipping up the stairs and walking into my room and to the closet, pulling out a fresh set of black undergarments, a black tank top, and a pair of my-and you guessed it-black skinny jeans with rips in the knees, before I went into the bathroom connected to my bedroom, and turned on the shower.

While I waited for the water to heat up, I stared at myself in the mirror, was Ricky even going to kiss me? I mean why would he, there's so many better looking girls out there, so many that are more fit for Rick.

I sighed, locked the door, stripped from my clothes and hopped in the shower, sighing as the very hot water poured over me and probably was turning my skin pink, hot water always did that.

When my hands started to wrinkle I knew it was time to get out, so I did.

I literally hopped out cause I was feeling like a ninja, but I almost slipped, so I calmed down with the ninja 'skills' and calmly dried myself off before getting dressed and walking back into my room to put on a pair of socks and my all black vans.

I skipped down the stairs while putting my damp hair in a high messy bun, and grabbing my skateboard, I was nearly at the door before I felt arms wrap around my waist, scaring the hell out of me, I twisted around to be face to face with Ricky, I felt myself blush so I got out of his grip and turned towards the door

"I'm going to the store, wanna tag along?" I asked, smiling because I already knew the answer, so without looking I passed Rick his board from beside me and headed out the door,  looking behind me before smiling as I saw Ricky running out of the house to catch up with me as I skated away

About halfway to the store it started raining, actually no, pouring, so we quickly skated into an alleyway that was covered overhead.

After a second I laughed at Ricky, the rain had made his eyeshadow run a bit, so he looked a little funny, and a little cute...wait what?  God help me why am I thinking this way?? I've always thought Rick was attractive but I never thought of him in a romantic way..

He smiled down at me as he walked over, picked me up and set me on my skateboard so that I was as tall as him, making me smile, before he places both hands on either side of my face, and started leaning in

"Now that we're alone, I can finally do this" he said before I felt his lips press against mine, his lip rings cold against my lips as I'm sure mine were as well.

For some reason I've never felt more safe than I do right now, so I kissed him back, with all I had because I wasn't sure when I'd be able to again.

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