Dinner at the Luau and Bedtime

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That night, they had dinner at the Luau and David was seen on stage holding torches. He twirled the flames while people sitting at outdoor tables watched. He tossed one torch into the air and caught it behind his back. David grabbed a bottle and filled his mouth with its liquid. As he spat the liquid into the fire, flames shot high into the air. The audience applauded and then the stage's roof caught fire and collapsed as David bowed. Stitch watched as David stomped on it. Stitch laughed and clapped at the same time. He was sitting next to Lilo at a table and their friends were sitting at tables next to them. Lilo was drawing in a book and showed Stitch the picture. "This is you. This is your badness level. It's unusually high for someone your size. We have to fix that" she said. "We definitely do" Rin said. Nani approached them. "Ay-yi-yi, Lilo! Your dog cannot sit at the table" she said. "Stitch is troubled. He needs desserts" said Lilo. "Oh, you didn't even eat your sweet potato. I thought you liked them" said Nani. "Desserts!" said Lilo. Nani sighed and when to the kitchen. David approached everyone. "David! I got a new dog!" said Lilo. "Oh! You sure it's a dog?" said David. "Uh-huh. He used to be a collie before he got ran over. And I also made new friends" said Lilo. She introduced David to Nozomi, Rin, Urara, Komachi, Karen, and Kurumi. "Nice to meet you all" said David. "Nice to meet you too" said Komachi. Nani served Lilo and Stitch cakes. "Yum!" said Lilo. Before she could eat one, Stitch shoved them both into his mouth and gobbled them. "Hey!" said Lilo. Stitch spit them out, pulled a cherry out of his mouth, put it on the cakes and slid the plate toward Lilo. "Eww!" said Lilo. "Howzit, Nani?" David asked Nani. "Did you catch fire again?" Nani asked. "Nah, just the stage. Listen, I was wondering if you're not doing anything this..." David said. "David, I told you I can't. I...I got a lot to deal with right now." said Nani. "I know. I just figured you might need some time..." said David. Nani smelled him. "You smell like a lawnmower" she said. David sniffed at himself. "Look, I got to go. The kid at table three's throwing poi again. Maybe some other time, okay?" said Nani before walking away. David looked disappointed. "Don't worry. She likes your butt and fancy hair. I know. I read her diary" said Lilo. "She thinks it's fancy?" David asked.

Stitch sticked his tongue out. Then he sniffed and his ears perked up. Under the table, he saw a piece of food attached to a string and followed it to a bag and reached inside for it. As he opened his mouth for a bite, Jumba grabbed him and Stitch struggled to get out of the situation. "Aha! Look what I find! Get restraints!" he told Pleakley. "Right" Pleakley replied. Jumba punched Stitch as the alien bites him. "Ow! Take that! Hurry!" Jumba said. Pleakley picked up restraints. "Uh, hold still just a..." he said before Stitch knocked over Pleakley's hat. Stitch opened his mouth and clenched it over Pleakley's head making Pleakley scream. Nani noticed and ran to them and hit Stitch. Pleakley's black wig hung over Stitch's pointy teeth. Nani grabbed a pitcher of punch and threw it onto Stitch. She pulled him off Pleakley. Then a man approached her. "Hey, Nani! Is that your dog?" he said. "Uh..." Nani said. "All is well. Please, go about your business. I'm okay" Pleakley said using a woman's voice. "Oh, your head looks swollen" said Nani. "Actually, she's just ugly" Jumba corrected. Pleakley laughed. "Darling...He's joking. Ugly... look at me..." Pleakley said while laughing. "Uh, this is not working out." said the man. "Uh, b-but..." Nani began. The man shook his head. "Yeah? Well, who wants to work at this stupid...fakey luau anyway? Come on, Lilo." said Nani. She took Lilo, Stitch and their friends home.

They walked up the stairs to their house. "Did you lose your job because of Stitch, me and everyone?" asked Lilo. "Nah. The manager's a vampire and he wanted me to join his legion of the undead" said Nani. "I knew it" said Lilo. The girls snickered after hearing that. "What's so funny?" Lilo asked. "Nothing!" said Nozomi. Nani opened the front door and turned on the light. "This is a great home. You'll like it a lot" Lilo told Stitch. The alien hissed. "See?" said Lilo. "Uh, Lilo..." said Nani. "Comfy" said Urara handing Stitch a pillow. Stitch teared it apart. "Hey! What is the matter with you?!" said Nani. "Be careful of the little angel!" said Lilo. Stitch curled into a ball and rolled away. "It's not an angel, Lilo. I don't even think it's a dog. We just have to take him back." said Nani. "He's just cranky because its his bedtime" said Lilo. In the kitchen, Stitch uncurled, pulled out a drawer and dumped the silverware on the floor. He turned on a liquid filled blender when Lilo came in. "Hey, what are you doing?" she asked him. Pink liquid sprayed out. "Stop that Stitch!" said Rin. "Hey!" said Nani before putting the blender back on the shelf. She held Stitch who was growling and grunting. "Look at him, Lilo. He's obviously mutated from something else. We have to take him back." said Nani dragging Stitch to the front door. "He was an orphan and we adopted him! What about "O'hana"?" said Lilo. "He hasn't been here that long" said Nani. "Neither have I. Dad said O'hana means family." said Lilo. Nani opened the door at first but then closed it. "Huh?" said Stitch. "O'hana means family. Family means..." Lilo began. "nobody gets left behind" she said with Nani. "Or?" said Lilo. "Or forgotten. I know. I know. I hate it when you use O'hana against me" said Nani. Lilo stuck out her tongue and Nani did the same. Stitch jumped out of Nani's arms. Lilo giggled. "Don't worry, you can sleep right next to me. Nozomi and Coco will sleep with us too" she said taking Stitch to her room. Nozomi and Coco followed them. Nani collapsed onto the couch.

Upstairs, Stitch sniffed Lilo's room when they got in. "Look how curious the puppy is. This is my room, and this is your bed" said Lilo showing Stitch her room and his bed. She took out her doll Scrump and a bottle with coffee. "This is your dolly and bottle" said Lilo. She shook the bottle and nothing spilled. "See? Doesn't spill" she said. Stitch shook it and nothing spilled. "I filled it with coffee" said Lilo. Stitch drank the bottle."Good puppy. Now get into bed" said Lilo. Stitch pushed her and jumped onto her bed. "Hey! That's Lilo's-coco!" said Coco. Lilo climbed up after Stitch. "Down!" she told him. Stitch flopped a pillow on her head and saw a photo on the sheet. Lilo snatched the photo. "Be careful of that! You don't touch this! Don't ever touch it!" she told him. As Stitch jumped off the bed, Lilo gently put the photo back and placed the pillow on top of it. Then she heard Stitch tear apart Scrump. She climbed off the bed and took Scrump. "No! Don't pull on her head! She's recovering from surgery." said Lilo. Stitch growled ripped apart a picture off an easel. "No! That's from my blue period." Lilo told him. Stitch growled more and Nozomi put a flower lei around his neck and Stitch falls onto his back. "There. You know, you wreck everything you touch. Why not try and make something for a change?" said Nozomi. "I was just gonna say that" said Lilo smiling a bit. Stitch sat up, tossed the lei aside, and pilled a stack of books near the bed. Lilo, Nozomi, and Coco watched him. Stitch stacked up more books and other objects. As he built, he quickly moved and after hanging an airplane on a string, he looked at his creation. "Ah!" he said. "Wow. San Francisco" said Lilo. Stitch grabbed a hula girl lamp and took the shade off. Then he stomped through the city smashing cars and the Golden Gate Bridge. Lilo, Nozomi, and Coco watched as he devoured a car. "No more caffeine for you" said Lilo.

Outside, Jumba watched them with his binoculars and laughed while Pleakley unrolled his sleeping bag. "This little girl and her little friends are wasting their time. 626 cannot be taught to ignore its destructive programming" said Jumba. Pleakley put on a short black wig and admired his reflection in a hand-held mirror. He playfully tossed the wig's hair and Jumba noticed. "What are you doing?" Jumba asked. "Nothing!" said Pleakley taking the wig off. "Uh, say, I want to try it on." said Jumba. "No!" Pleakley told him. They struggled and Jumba got a hold of the wig. He put it on his huge head. Pleakley gasped when he saw a mosquito on his arm. "Don't move. A mosquito has chosen me as her perch. She's so beautiful." he said. Then another and another flew onto his arm. "Look, another one. And another one!" said Pleakley. A whole flock of mosquitoes cover Pleakley. "Why, it's a whole flock. And they like me! They're nuzzling my flesh with their noses. Now they're, um, they're..." Pleakley said before screaming in pain. Meanwhile, Nani was talking on the phone while holding a dog book. "I think it might be a koala. An evil koala. I can't even pet it. It keeps staring at me, like it's going to eat me." she said. Nani gasped and dropped the phone and book when she saw Stitch in the refrigerator. She stood motionless as Stitch put a can between his teeth, shut the door with his foot and walked upstairs.

Elsewhere, Jumba spied on Stitch through his binoculars. "Now, this is interesting" he said. "What?" Pleakley asked. "626 was designed to be a monster but now he has nothing to destroy. You see, I never gave him a greater purpose. What must it be like to have nothing? Not even memories to visit in the middle of the night?" said Jumba. Stitch sadly gazed at the ruins of his make believe city. He picked up a book, then tossed it aside. At a book shelf, he takes out a book titled "Oyster Farming" and flings it away. He grabbed another book titled "Fire Eating" and tossed it to the ground. Sitting on the floor, he tears out a page from "Roadmaps of Iowa" and threw the book aside. As he opened a book with a duck on the cover, his eyes opened wide and his ears perked up. He woke Lilo up and showed her the book's illustrations. Lilo yawned and said "That's the Ugly Duckling. See? He's sad because he's all alone and nobody wants him but on this page, his family hears him crying and they find him. Then the Ugly Duckling is happy because he knows where he belongs". Stitch looked at the book and closed it. He hopped off the bed and got into his bed with the book. "Want to listen to the King? You look like an Elvis fan" said Lilo holding a record. "You sure do" said Nozomi.

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