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Jungkook POV

Lately... I been craving someone. That's a lie... not lately more like since forever. Ever since I first saw him. He is a senior now and I'm a sophomore in college. And while I'm on winter break I get to see him. Every day. Especially since my window has the perfect view each night. I don't watch him change or anything... no way am I like that. But when he studies and when he goes to sleep I just take a peak of him and his ethereal beauty. God... truly exist and I'm staring right at him.

God his smile... those addicting plump lips of his... Jesus is that a choker around his neck... he is wearing his iconic pink fluffy sweater... God I want to fuck him in that... and he just had to wear those tight skinny jeans of his didn't he? He is going to be the death of me soon. Oh shit he is looking at me.

"Yes? what do you want?" Jimin ask me with annoyance.

"Nothing from you dickhead... Hi Taehyung." I scoff rolling my eyes but then flashing a small smirk towards the baby.

"Hello Jeon-ssi." He flashes his famous boxy smile.

"Ugh Taetae don't sink to this Neanderthals kindness. Deep inside he is just a beast." Jimin rolls his eyes then closes them laying back down on the couch.

"Don't be mean Chim. He is your hyung! Do you need help Jeon-ssi? We are not really doing anything since we finish all of our homework." Taehyung offered.

"So kind of you Taehyung. But I'm all good." I responded with a small smile.

"Okay great! But yeah Chim, I got it." Taehyung smiles proudly.

"Holy Shit... let me see it!" Jimin squeals. I notice him blushing then he speaks up.

"Uhm... Jeon-ssi... do you mind turning around?" He asked politely. I pout. I want to know what he got.

"Ah shit sorry let me be out of the way..." before I could finish he spoke again.

"No it's not like that I just don't want you to feel uncomfortable. I—uhm—got something and only Jimin really knows uhm— me. So I don't want you to feel like I'm... making you uncomfortable." Taehyung admits.

"Taehyung I don't think you will ever make me feel uncomfortable." I stated with sincerity.

"otay... good. Well uhm..." He sounds so cute and he lifts up his shirt a little bit revealing his very soft tummy and a shiny pink object on his belly button.

"TAE! You actually did it. Holy fuck I never thought my own best friend would take the dare. You are such a goody two shoes! WOW! What! Is it real!?" Jimin starts to scream and honestly I just want him to shut the fuck up and I need to take Taehyung to my bed right now so I can play with his belly ring...with my tongue.

"Of course it is Chim... and I don't know I just... it felt good to be a little bad. It was a little bit of a thrill really." Taehyung shyly admits.

Taehyung did make me uncomfortable. He gave me an uncomfortable boner. Thank God I was wearing a very baggy sweatshirt and sweatpants. Everything looked normal... on the outside at least. He stepped out into the kitchen and I follow. I hear Jimin on the phone with Hoseok.

"Hobi! He freaking did it... next thing you know he is going to lose his virginity. Shit he is growing up to fast I need to cry for a moment." Jimin giggles. Taehyung doesn't hear any of the conversation and I'm glad. But most importantly I come closer to him.

"Hey Tae... can I call you Tae?" He nods. "I know this sounds weird and you can say no but do you mind" ... I put my hand on the back of my neck and smile at him... "Can I touch it?" He blushes but nods lifting his fluffy sweater up a bit. I couldn't wait to touch his belly ring.
I didn't tell him what I will be touching it with though. I lean down and kiss his belly button with the piercing earning a small whimper from him. He was shocked and I knew he did not expect this to happen. He isn't stopping me or saying no.

"Is this okay?" I asked him for consent. He has one of his hands tightly fisting his shirt a bit up. While the other one is covered in his sweater paw hiding his eyes. He nods. And I continued.

I take my tongue and swirl it around the rim of his belly button earning a soft gasp from him. And lightly leave butterflies kisses. I don't know what came over me. Overflowing confidence? Fuck it. I get back up, removing his hand from his eyes, and lightly trail butterflies kisses on his forehead... cheeks... and then finally his luscious plump lips. God they were so soft. So fucking delicious. Tasted like fucking paradise and strawberries. We kissed. Earning a small moan from him. I swirl my tongue inside and battle his but he gave up and let me dominate. We pull away with a small string of saliva connected our lips. He already looks this wreck? I go back in and pushed his head towards me deepening the kiss. His lips were so swollen and red for me as we pulled apart.

"TAETAE GET ME SOMETHING TO EAT TOO SINCE YOU ARE IN THERE!" Jimin yells from the living room going back to his conversation with Hoseok. 

"Was that okay?" I ask him ignoring Jimin. Smiling down at this precious baby.

"More than okay Jeon-ssi." Taehyung smiles shyly. 

"Tae... can you call me Jungkook hyung from now on?" I asked. He blushes.

"Kookie Hyung." Taehyung smiled.

I think my soul left my body.

"Even better. You can call me like that in private... so Jimin wouldn't be so up your ass about it." I smile at him. He giggles.


"Kookie hyung... can you do that again... later?" He asked looking down.

"What?" I asked with a smirk and he whimpers... "Ohhhh... you mean the kissing?" He nods shyly looking down... I lift his chin up and said "Of course baby... come to my room after the midget falls asleep." I walked out grabbing a banana milk and tossing an Apple juice at Jimin letting him know beforehand. I may hate that insufferable midget but hey he is family.

—- Author's POV

"Jesus Tae you took forever." Jimin rolls his eyes while Taehyung hands him a small plate of finger sandwiches and potato chips.

"Sorry." Taehyung said.

Taehyung knows about kissing and other adult things as he calls it but he just never done it. And after getting a taste from it... he wants more. He starts to blush a bit.

"Taetae are you okay? Don't tell me..." Jimin begins and Taehyung goes into panic. "You caught the flu before we officially begin winter break right?" He finishes and Taehyung releases a slight breath.

"No chim. I'm good, I promise. I just... uhm nevermind I don't want it to be awkward." Taehyung admits.

"Taetae please don't keep secrets from me. What's up?" Jimin asked with concerned.

"I just think that your brother is really nice." Taehyung said.

"Ugh disgusting." Jimin sneered. Taehyung gives him puppy dog eyes.

"Look Taetae I'm not going to stop you from you know liking him but if something ever does happen. I am not going to stand in your way. Your my best friend and I love you and I know whatever you decide I will always have your back. But if he hurts you I will break his back. And if you hurt him... I'm going to be very disappointed with you." Jimin declared.

"Thanks Chim but honestly I highly doubt something would ever happen between us. I mean look at me. I'm not boyfriend material. I'm just me. Besides... I just think he is really nice. That's all." Taehyung stated.

"Wait what do you mean look at you? Taetae you are incredible don't sell yourself short okay? Like it would be such a privilege to date you. Not that I want to date you because that is disgusting it's basically incest and who would top in our relationship that is a huge priority... anywho, I think you are worth it and if you like Jungkook maybe try it? Who knows my brother may be a stupid jerk face but he isn't an super asshole. He has never had a real relationship either. But you... you might be the one... who knows right?" Jimin assured him.

"I think it's best just to see where it goes instead of jumping to conclusions." Taehyung smiles shyly. Jimin nodded and they went back to their basic conversation about winter shopping, parties, and gift planning.

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