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Author's note at the end.

After finishing breakfast together, Taehyung and Jungkook took a shower and change apart but met up once more in the living room. The younger wanted to play games so he was excited that Jungkook joined him in playing some Mario kart, Halo, and later some Wii sports for fun. Jungkook loved the fact that he spend some major quality time. They had lunch together and cuddle and watch The Lion King together. It was evening and Jimin still wasn't home but nonetheless Jungkook started to prep some lamb chops, stir fry veggies, white rice, and place some side dishes like kimchi, seasoned soybean sprouts, and spinach. The younger stared at Jungkook and helped him when necessary but he couldn't help but blush and smile when the elder would occasionally reach over him to get seasons or lightly pecking the side of his cheek or lips. And dipping Taehyung's fingers in the sauce only to lick it off him. Taehyung loved that the elder paid so much attention to him. He felt like they were married and sharing a home but he thinks that he is overthinking but he likes the fact that he is thinking about it.

"Great job setting up the table baby boy." Jungkook compliments making Taehyung blush. He notes down that the younger for certain has a praising kink.

"Thank chu." Taehyung blushed. Jungkook also notes down that he turns into a shy baby. And he is loving it. Maybe Taehyung is a little but he doesn't want to pry and for sure would wait until Taehyung reveals it but he doesn't want to jump to conclusions.

"Hey baby. Want hyung to feed you?" Jungkook asked the younger. The younger nods softly and sits on his lap. Both of them fed each other and the latter put Jimin's food in the fridge.

Jungkook POV

"Jimin messaged me and told me he was at Hobi's place all day since work made a mistake and wanted him to actually work the night shift. So he asked if I could drop some clothing off because he will be staying there and invited me over..." Taehyung spoke.

Before he could finish I whined and pouted. He giggles.

"Don't worry, I said no but I am dropping his stuff off... he also apologize for leaving me this morning but I don't think he realizes that I wasn't in his bedroom..." Taehyung stated.

"Did he ask you why you said no?" I asked with curiosity.

"Chim is not the person to pry he just said cool beans... I have to go now." Taehyung said.

"Wait... you aren't coming back?" I asked.

"Well Chim isn't gonna be here so I might as well as go home." He stated. I pouted.

"But.. I'm here." I stated.

"What if Jimin comes home and then ask why am I here?" Taehyung asked.

"And? Are we planning to date in secret?" I questioned.

"No... I mean... I..." he nervously tried to answer me.

"Are you ashamed?" I asked.

"NO!" He exclaimed.

"Then?" I asked.

"I don't think... I don't— hiccup— I don't— hiccup— think— hiccup—I can— control—hiccup— myself —hiccup—with—hiccup—you—hiccup." He answered.

I know every time Taehyung told an embarrassing truth he would hiccup. One of the things I find so cute about him. I kissed him tenderly and with passion making sure he doesn't get enough air and that works because his hiccups ceased.

"Please...stay. I can help with controlling... I mean I have been controlling myself from literally jumping your bones for years. I can manage you." I said with confidence. He twitches his eyebrows and scrunches his nose.

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