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~Time Skip: 11 months later.

"I had mentioned it to Tae once... just once that my folks should have the babies for a weekend. So they could spend quality time with them... he ends up crying. Like Yoongs I'm talking like hysterical crying. I had to convince him he wasn't being a bad parent. I just wanted some time with him. Like he is incredible with the babies. But I miss him. I miss our alone times. I miss—" Jungkook began.

"Fucking Him. Yeah I see that." Yoongi chimes in.

"Hyung not like a lot... just a tiny bit." Jungkook defends himself.

"Right when was the last time you dicked him?" Yoongi asked.

"11 months ago. My blue balls are getting blue balls." Jungkook exasperated.

"Aren't the babies heavy sleepers? They take after Tae don't they?" Yoongi asked.

"Yeah But Taehyung gets paranoid about that and wakes them up at 2:30 am and 5:30 am. Just to make sure they are still alive according to his words." Jungkook cackles.

Taehyung does have a fear but in reality he is just emotionally very attached to his babies. He literally decided to take a break from college to be there for the babies. Of course, Jungkook didn't mind this but he totally didn't expect for Taehyung to be that type of person... I mean he literally thinks back when he spat in his face about not wanting to be a stay at home person and raising the kids. Jungkook works from home on Fridays and Saturdays; he also make sure to have breakfast and dinner everyday with his little family. And Sundays are always off so he can have family time. Taehyung was raised in money and comes from money but never once did he touch that money so instead he made sure that his billions were going to be for his children's education. Jungkook did the same.

"Just be honest with him. Tell him you want to have sex. Besides with or without the kids... they won't understand." Yoongi stated.

"Yeah... hey Tae. Let's fuck sometime and he would say something along the lines and neglect our babies!? That's a solid no Yoongs." Jungkook sarcastically stated.

"Whatever. Just trying to help you out." Yoongi rolled his eyes.

"Enough about my life hyung. How is yours? How are your classes? I saw you got a new studio in Busan." Taehyung.

"Everything is ight. I'm ight." Yoongi mentioned.

"And Jimin?" Jungkook asked.

"We still talk... I have been getting a lot closer to Namjoon and Hoseok." Yoongi tried to avoid the conversation.

"Right... so you haven't told him yet?" Jungkook asked.

"I think after what happened... I just want to be there for him kooks." Yoongi commented.

"I get it. But I know that you will also be perfect for my brother. Anywho I have to get back to work." Jungkook states.

"Good luck dicking Tae down." Yoongi stated earning a cackle from Jungkook.


It was quiet, too quiet. No giggles from Taeyang. No whining from Da-Lee. Jungkook avoided going into panic and simply just called for Taehyung. He turns towards the kitchen to see if the younger was there but he was met by a surprised when he felt someone jump his back and a small burst of giggles followed along. Knowing who it was Jungkook just smile and Taehyung softly climb down from him. Jungkook engulf him in a small hug and gave him a tender kiss.

Taehyung deepen the kiss taking Jungkook by surprised. He stopped the kiss but Taehyung simply pulled him back down.

"Wait Tae... where are Moony (Da-Lee) and Sunshine (Taeyang)?" Jungkook asked.

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