Downright Blessed.

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Jimin's Dance Studio.

"That was beautiful Jimin." Yoongi comments as Jimin finishes his dance solo.

"Thanks Yoongi-ssi." Jimin blushes.

"So I was thinking Thai tonight? Care to fight about it?" Yoongi teases.

"Hmmm I was feeling more Chinese." Jimin sassies him.

"Alrighty I will surrender if you sing me the song I wrote you last week again." Yoongi compromised.

Jimin giggles. Ah that giggle. It could stop Yoongi from breathing if that's what it demanded.

"Yoongi..." Jimin caught his attention as he sat next to him. "Thank you." He simply states.

"Jimin I told you already it's nothing." Yoongi assures him.

"It may mean nothing to you but it was everything to me. You didn't let me go back nor you kept quiet about it." Jimin stated.

"Honestly I thought you would hate me since I decided to go behind your back about it... I'm just glad you are here." Yoongi breathes out.

Jimin leans in and gives him a small peck on the cheek taking Yoongi by surprised. He then turns to look at him.

"Yoongi are you busy tomorrow afternoon?" Jimin asked. Yoongi shakes his head.

"Great... I'll pick you up at 1pm. Dress casual." Jimin stated gathering his stuff. They both leave and drive to Yoongi's studio apartment to have Chinese takeout. Yoongi is still quiet through everything while Jimin is rather talkative today.

"Uhhh Yoongi excuse me I have to take this." Jimin stated as he saw Taehyung call him up.

"Go ahead." Yoongi gives him a gummy smile.

~Conversation with Jungkook on the Phone.

"JIMINSSIIII HE SAID YESSSS." Jungkook screamed into the phone.

"Slow down neanderthal. Start from the beginning." Jimin laughed.


Jungkook's POV
Somewhere in a private island owned by the Jeons.

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit. What if he says no? What if he hates this? What if he says yes? What if he likes this? Fuckkkkkkk where is fucking Namjoon, Jimin, even fucking Hoseok when I fucking need them. Fucking Bastards. Ahhhhhh what am I going to say? What am I going to do? Ahhhhhh fuck fuckkkkk my lifeeee.

"Kookie?" Taehyung asked.

Jungkook gulps. "Ahh erm... yes Tae?"

"Are you okay?" Taehyung asked with concerned.

"Yes uh. Why wouldn't I be?" Jungkook tries to play it cool.

"Well because you were about to take a sip from the candle cup rather than your cup." Taehyung stated.

Jungkook slowly puts down the candle cup back in the middle of their table.

Tonight was indeed special. Jungkook are celebrating their fifth year anniversary. The twins are three years old now. Tae finished his dual degree in Asian Art History and Business with a minor in Education and runs a museum on Korean History that is the number one spot for tourism or locals. He also volunteers as a teaching aid for his children day care. Jungkook successfully runs his father's company as the new CEO. It has become one of the most successful companies to continue to run in the Entertainment Industry as it sponsors big companies that involve actors, singers, and dancers. The Jeons, of course has always been very on the low from paparazzi but it was hard to keep Jungkook under that shadow because well look at him. Of course, the media ate it up when they found out he was taken with kids and many people are wondering how this couple and their children are so goddamn beautiful.

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