Emil sat in the living room, shuffling the uno cards. All the nordics and Leon sat around the coffee table on the floor. Emil dealt the cards and the put the stack in the middle.
"What are the rules we are going with, standard or complicated?" Matthias asked.
"We can stack cards," Tino said, looking through his deck.
"Can we stack +2 on top of +4 if they are the same color? Those always screw me over when we have a full rotation going," Emil added and looked over at everyone else looking through their decks. "Also, I want to try out playing in teams, meaning we can work together with one person. Like I'll play with Leon, Tino and Berwald, Lukas and Matthias."
"We can play a round like that," Lukas said and everyone nodded in agreement.
Emil took a card from the top of the deck and placed it down. The first few seconds of the game went silently, no one seemed to get pissed off yet, no major moves had been played but Emil watched as Matthias started whispering to Lukas, who was on his right. Lukas then put down a reverse card, okay no big deal, only Matthias' turn again. Then Matthias put down his card.
A +4 card...directed at Berwald, the guy on his left.
"Color is blue." The minute that left his mouth, Berwald slammed down two blue +2's. The amount of cards were now passed onto Tino. Everyone turned to Tino and watched as he smirked and his eyes gleamed.
"Color is yellow," Tino said putting down his +4 card.
All eyes went to Emil. Emil had a +4 and he knew that Leon had three +2's in his deck in green. All he needed to do was change the color to green and then Leon could set down those +2's.
"Color is green," Emil said placing down his card.
"Uno!" Leon called as he placed down his three +2's. Everyone stared in disbelief, meanwhile Emil and Leon high fived. As long as one of them won, so did the other.
"Well," Lukas started. "Always prepare for the worst. The color is red." Lukas placed down a +4. Everyone realized that Matthias and Lukas planned for way more outcomes than they had thought. Matthias put down a +2 and smirked victoriously at Berwald.
"Pick up 28 cards," Matthias said with a light and joking tone but he wasn't, this was revenge for something, no one really knew.
Berwald reluctantly picked up the 28 cards. You could tell that Berwald wanted to just say fuck it and flip the table but he stayed composed, thank god.
The game went smoothly after that...BECAUSE LEON AND EMIL WON! They had an Uno and Emil had a wild card on him, it was an insured win thanks to Matthias' reverse card.
HongIce 30 day OTP challenge ~Admin China
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