Day 14 - Gender swapped

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(I'm really not sure if I should use female or male pronouns for them...WELP)

"LEOOONNNN!" Emil yelled. He looked in the mirror in worry. He was female. Other countries have talked about this happening before but he didn't think it would happen to him. His/Her hair had grown out to an inch above his/her shoulder. Why did this happen?!

Leon ran into the bathroom where Emil was standing. Emil then noticed the same thing happened to Leon. Leon's hair had grown out, he/she had a pony tail over his/her shoulder.

"The same thing happened to you, really?" Emil asked, looking over his/her shoulder.

"Who's magic went wrong now?" Leon asked tiredly, stretching his/her arms over his/her head.

"No clue, but this feels weird," Emil says, turning back to the mirror. Leon walked over and wrapped his/her arms around Emil's waist.

"You seem a lot more tiny and precious," Leon said, kissing Emil's cheek.

"Don't get ideas for anything," Emil said, scrunching up his/her face.

"Me? Ideas? Never," Leon said, giggling and laying their head on Emil's shoulder. Emil hadn't noticed it before but he was now paying attention. Their voices changed too. He needed to try and talk to Lukas about this. Leon gasped and Emil looked at him from the mirror.

"Do you know what this means?"


"We get to go shopping!"

"Aren't our clothes enough? And what if this doesn't last for long?!" Emil hated the gleam in Leon's eyes.

"I think we should go shopping, come on let's get dressed! We can ask some of the girls to come with us!" Leon exclaimed excitedly and letting go of Emil rushed off to their bedroom.

"God damnit..." Emil muttered and followed after him.

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