Day 12 - Making out

298 9 12

Emil listened to the music that played in the background. He was currently cleaning the living room, it was a pretty slow Sunday. Emil hummed along to a new song that started, Love me now by John Legend. Why were they listening to English music? They simply played whatever.

Emil was sweeping when he felt arms wrap around his waist. He stopped and turned his head to see Leon. Leon chuckled and started swaying to the music.

"Hello Leon, need anything?"

"No, but I want something."

"And that is?"

In response Leon kissed Emil. The kiss started slow and sweet but after a few seconds, Emil found himself pinned to the couch. The kiss deepened and he found himself moan softly at the feeling.

"Hey, do you two want cookies?" Matthias poked his head over the top of the couch.

Emil and Leon pulled away quickly, both panting and very red in the face. Of course someone just had to ruin the moment.

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