Chapter 3

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Phoebe and I walk out of the bunk room and into the room with the rest of the band. As the boys look over at us very confused, Phoebe steps behind me slightly.

"Ummm Calum..? Who's that?" Michael asks.

"Guys... this is my.. girlfriend." I tell them looking at her. "We met last night and had a nice breakfast together and things went really well... she came onto the bus last minute to tag along with us. I hope you guys don't mine." I try to sound convincing. "Her name is Phoebe Grace."

"Just Phoebe." She corrects me quietly. The boys look at the two of us not knowing what to say.

"Well, if you're happy we're happy Calum." Ashton says reaching for his beer. "Don't you think you're moving just a little fast? Especially with the breakup you just very recently went thro-?" Ash asks until Luke hit him in the chest.

"Shut it!" Luke told him. Then looks over at us, "well congratulations you two. I hope you're prepared for a crazy tour with us, Phoebe." He smiles making her smile.

"Come sit with us love birds!" Michael grins. I smile and lead Phoebe to sit next to me on the couch.

"Are you a fan doll?" Ashton asks.

"To be honest... I only knew Luke because of my old friend having him as her wallpaper on her phone." She giggles nervously.

"Well I'm Ashton, I play the drums," he puts his hand on his chest then points to Michael, "and over there alone in the corner is Michael, he is the lead guitarist." He smiles making phoebe giggle.

"I've never played the drums before but I owned a guitar, and a bass guitar. I miss playing." She tells them, me smiling when I hear the bass.

"No wonder you two connected quickly." Luke smiles. "Two bassists. How long have you played?"

"Umm," she thinks, "maybe ever since I was around 12? I'm not that good."

"Oh hush I bet you're great." Michael smiles. The bus slowly comes to a stop and we all look at each other, the boys and I giving each other different facial expressions to question where to eat.

"The hell are you guys doing?" Phoebe giggles a little.

"Do you like Wendy's phoebe Grace?" I ask turning to look at her, she shrugs and I nod. "That's where we're going to eat."

"So you guys all just decided what to eat just by looking at each other?" She asks and we all nod, "you guys spend too much time together." She sighs giggling and stands before the bus came to a complete stop. Once it did she stumbled back and fell into my lap. She looks up at me and her face turns red. "Sorry, not used to being on a bus." She says as she quickly gets up. She puts the strand of hair behind her ear, still with her hood up.

"It's okay, we've all been stupid and fallen on this bus." I giggle standing with her. We all walk out of the bus and my stomach drops when I remember that the security didn't know about Phoebe. "She's tagging along, She's my new girlfriend." I tell a security guard as he walks over. He gives us a questioning look and I smile putting my arm over her shoulders. "Come on babe lets go." I tell her as we walk away.

"Think they bought it?" She whispers.

"Nope. But it doesn't look like they're going to question it." I look back at them following all of us as we walk to Wendy's.

"Alright boys..." our manenger's assistant, Sarah walks over to us then looks at Phoebe, "and new girl..? We are a bit behind sched so let's just order and eat on the bus." She tells us looking at the time on her watch. As we walk, Phoebe slowly trails behind and Sarah walks with her. "So who are you anyway?" I hear her ask.

"Oh I'm Calum's girlfriend. I'm tagging along the tour."

"Oh that's wonderful!" I hear the sarcasm in Sarah's voice. We get to Wendy's and Phoebe stands beside me as I order my meal. I look over at her and she looks back at me.

"Well? What do you want?" I ask smiling.

"Oh you don't have to pay for me." She blushes a bit.

"No no, I'm your boyfriend I'm supposed to pay for you." I smile making her blush more. She walks up to the counter and orders then follows me to the soda fountains.

"Lord I hope you don't believe in that 'the boyfriend pays for every meal' shit with relationships." She whispers as she fills her cup with sprite.

"I don't, but I do believe in it when you don't have any money. I want you to save that money I gave you. Don't spend it while you're with us, I'll pay for you it's fine." I tell her before taking a sip of my drink. We soon grab our food and we all meet back on the bus.

"You don't have to go around saying that you're my boyfriend out loud everywhere." Phoebe tells me as we sit alone on the bus waiting for the others. "I mean thanks for playing along, I thought you would just kick my ass off the bus, but after you guys get to your final destination I'm leaving and I don't think you'll hear from me again. I also don't think you want that drama of 'what happened to Calum's mystery girl?' going around everywhere and I don't want to deal with being known as your mystery girl."

"Hey you're not the only person who's trying to benefit from this deal." I look at her.

"What are you trying to get out of it?" She chuckles a little.

"My good reputation back. My ex made me look like a horrible person. I can't have that type of reputation when it's not true."

"What happened with your ex anyway?" She asks but before I could answer the boys walk back onto the bus.

"I'll explain later." I mumble to her and lift my burger to my mouth.

• • • •

It got really late and the boys were heading to the back to get into their bunks for bed. I bite my lip realizing we didn't have any extra bunks.

"Don't worry I will just sleep on the couch." Phoebe tells me looking at my facial expression.

"Are you sure? You can take my bunk if you want." I tell her.

"No no it's fine. Just give me a blanket please?" She yawns and grabs some pillows from the other end of the couch. I get up and go find an extra blanket and bring it over to her. I toss it onto her lap as she was about to lay down. "Night Calum." She looks at me before closing her eyes.

"Night Phoebe Grace." I whisper turning the light off for her. I go into my bunk and try to sleep while my mind races.

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