it was only a smile.
it was like most others.
just a flash of white teeth, the crinkling of blue, oh-so-blue, eyes, a raising of the eyebrows.
you told me once how many muscles it takes to smile. we were sitting on the grass & when you said it, you grinned.
i forgot the number, but i never, never forgot your smile.
you used to have one, a special one, for me, only me.
i think you forgot it when we stopped talking.
sometimes, you do seem happy to see me, but it's never my smile.
then, one day, you saw her & all i saw was just a flash of white, ocean blues eyes squinting, & those eyebrows going up & up & up.
i guess my smile is hers now.
Poetryjust a little collection of flash fictions, one-liners, poetry, & other things i've written over the last few months.