Chapter 6 "Daily Caffeine"

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The next morning was not as good as the ones before. My body was not prepared for my alarm to try and make me wake up at 6 am. The sun hadn't even come up yet. If the sky is still dark then I am not supposed to be awake! If only school felt the same way.

I awoke with a sigh. I turn to my phone and click the off button for the alarm before laying back down. My hands cover my eyes and I lay there for about five minutes. Come on, I try to motivate myself, just get up and get ready.

I force myself to stand up slowly but I still get a major head rush. I groan but continue on with my morning routine. First stop: the bathroom.

I go into my bathroom, I get it all to myself since I found this apartment for me and Frankie. First thing I do is wash my face with cold water to start waking up. After I get dried off I begin with my makeup. For school I usually don't do anything too crazy, just a nude eye look and winged liner. Well of course I'm also wearing foundation, powder, concealer, contour, blush, highlighter, and lashes but it was still a "casual" look.

I style my hair naturally, down in my dark beach waves. After I've determined my upper half is acceptable I move on and get an outfit together.

I felt like being a little emo today. I wear black ripped jeans, a dark jacket, and of course I wear a pair of converse as well. Not too bad, especially for school.

I walk out to my couch and sit on my phone while I wait for Frankie to finish getting ready or for Dom to get here. Whichever happens to come first doesn't matter to me. All I need is my daily caffeine and if that means ditching Frankie to get it sooner I'll ditch. Not gonna lie, I've done it before.

Lucky for her she happened to get ready first and just in time. Dom just texted me that he's here, "Hey Frank, Dom is here." I sling my bag over my shoulder and head for the door.

"Oh now you're calling me that!" Frankie gets annoyed very quickly before school. Let's just say she's not a morning person.

I laugh at her slight out burst and watch her stomp out towards the garage. "Don't worry you'll get your coffee soon and you'll feel all better, Mr. Madface."

"I'm not mad." She mumbles like she doesn't want me to hear.

Except I do so of course I push some more of her buttons, "Yeees you are." I sing to her.

"No. I'm. Not!"

"Okay okay! You're not!" I laugh again and she just sticks her tongue out at me.

Finally we reach Dom's car and I let Frankie get the front seat since I gave her a hard time this morning, "hey guys." Dom says while we get in.

"Hi" I reply back while situating my stuff. He had kind of a small car and all of us put our huge bags in the back seats, leaving me with little leg room.

The car ride to our coffee place was quiet, since all of us were still very tired, until a bing came from my phone. I look down at the name and smile.

My best friend turns in her seat to pry again, "who was that?"

"why do you wanna know," I sounded almost too offended/sassy but it's like 7:30 and I repeat, I STILL HAVEN'T HAD ANY CAFFEINE. And no I'm not addicted you are.

"I was just curious sheesh." She goes to sit normal again but I cut her off.

"No sorry! It's fine!" I look down at the text again, "it's actually Colby, he texted me good morning." I smile at the thought of him thinking of me.

"Oh my god, he's like in love with you." Everything is always so dramatic to her, "like next thing you know he put a ring on it and now you have 100 kids and 500 grandkids."

"It's just a text." Dom says with an edge to his voice. He's just sticking up for me.

"Exactly," I give a smile to Dom, "it's just a text."

"Mkay, whatever. But I call dibs at being your maid of honor for the wedding!" I face palm at the thought of that. Even if Colby happened to like me it's not like we're getting married in a week.

Maybe in a few years though?

Shut up conscience...

We finally arrive to the coffee place I love and my feet pull me inside so fast my head could spin. I order my usual latte and sit down at a table, "hey Frankie, I'm feeling kind of cute! Take a picture for my Instagram story please?"

"Yes! Of course!" I hand her my phone and she gets the best angle. I think she should move to a school with a photography program but she refuses to leave without me.

"This is perfect! I'll tag you guys," meaning Frankie and Dom obviously.

Instagram story

Instagram story——————————

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Class starts in about 10 minutes so we're forced to leave my comfort zone to go to the worst place on earth. College. It's better than high school but still not enjoyable.

My first class was with Dom, it was Creative Writing. We both hated this class so much because of the teacher. He ruins everything.

In the middle of class I feel a buzz in my pocket. I go to check it quickly and Dom asks who it was.

"I don't know." I unlock my phone and see that is was from Colby.

Colby - cute ig story ;)

Colby - Also hey! I know its only been like two days but I still really want to spend some time with you!

Laura - I would really like that actually.

"It's Colby." I tell Dom and he seems surprised.


"Why does it matter?" But I don't really give him time to say a comeback since I went back to texting my lil emo dude. Wait. Did I just call him my lil emo dude? I need to chill.

Colby - can we do something during the week?

Laura - um I'm actually pretty busy with school all week so maybe could we do this weekend? Sunday?

Colby - sounds good to me! Also would you care if I vlog you? I know some people don't like to be on camera.

Laura - I don't mind!

After our conversation I started to get excited about Sunday. Colby said we'll plan more details later so I go back to focusing on class. Focusing in this class was more so just Dom and I making fun of the teacher.

The rest of my week went on pretty much the same. Wake up, coffee, school, go home. The only thing that kept me going was the small chats I got with Colby and the thought of hanging out with him on Sunday.

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