Chapter 8 "Tequila Shots"

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Colby's POV

This past week my life seems to have changed really quick. All I did was see this girl at a party and she won't get out of my head. I've never really felt this way about anyone and I'm really confused what to do.

"Colby!" I was snapped from my thoughts when I heard Sam yell my name from my bedroom door.

"What- What is it?" I look at him.

"What's up with you recently?" Sam had good reasons to question me. I've been a lot quieter the past few days but I don't want to expose Laura to him when I was so unsure about it still.

I rub my eyes and sigh, "I don't know, Sam. What was it you wanted?"

He steps further into my room before continuing, "Are you free this weekend?" Depends what day. "We were planning on going to this party on Saturday night. You up for it?" As long as it's not Sunday. On Sunday I get to see the most beautiful girl I've ever met.

"Yeah, sure! Where's it at?"

"Uh, honestly I have no idea. Brennen just gave us an address and a time so we won't find out until we get there."

"Of course Brennen would do that." We laugh and Sam says one more thing.

"Oh by the way, Jake wanted to see you." He leaves and I walk out pretty soon after him.

Jake is our new roommate at the trap house. Elton moved into a new place a few weeks ago and Jake came to take his room.

I walk into jakes room and see Kat in there with him, "Hey, what's up?"

"Colby, I've got this great idea for a prank video." I look to Kat and she shrugs, "So Sam is gonna be gone for a few hours and I thought that it would be a great idea to cover his entire room in wrapping paper."

I smirk at the thought of it, "sure, I'm down. How about you, Kat?"

"Heck yeah!" Which makes me and Jake laugh.

"Let me get my camera and we'll start in Sam's room." I walk over to Sam's room and get a text message notification.

It's from Laura, "who's that?" Kat asked trying to peep at my phone.

"No one." I say in a joking voice before opening the message.

Laura - So we're still going out on Sunday right?

Colby - Yeah Of course!

Laura - since that's only in like 2 days can we maybe set a meeting place and time?

Colby - Yeah! Anywhere you wanna go specifically?

Laura - do you know any good food places?

Colby - I do actually! This place tender greens. Wanna do lunch?

"Who's Laura?" I jump because Kat was stalking over my shoulder.

"Kat! Stop reading my texts!" I blush slightly and cross my fingers that she didn't notice.

"Who is she!" She gave me a big smile "please! I just wanna know!"

"You'll find out later! Don't tell anyone about her though."

"Why not?"

"Just don't please" I slightly beg.

"Okay fine! Whatever." Just as I was about to check what she replied Jake walks in with his camera and a lot of Christmas wrapping paper.

"Let's do this thing!" Through the whole video I couldn't quite pay attention and I'm pretty sure Kat had known exactly why.

When everything was wrapped and done I finally had a break to text Laura back.

Laura - sounds good! What time?

Colby - I'll meet you there at 1?

Laura - see you then!

And as our chat concluded Sam had gotten home and it was time to show him our surprise!

He was a bit intimidated when all three of us said we had a gift for him but complied anyways. His reaction was so great too! Not taking it too seriously but cracking jokes with us the whole time. Although, it seems as if sarcasm was becoming his second language.

The next few days were pretty boring. All Thursday night and Friday were just the whole house editing their videos. Well, everyone except Aaron was. I swear that boy has a real addiction to whatever that video game is that he's always playing.

On Saturday though I was really pumped. We were finally going out to that party Brennen got us into. I was about to die of boredom so this got me very excited.

I wore my usual outfit, ripped skinny jeans and just a shirt. Everyone in the house was taking a while to get ready so I just chilled on my phone waiting for them. I got on Snapchat and took a selfie before posting it to my story,

Snap Story

Snap Story—————————

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Finally, people were calling for me saying it was time to leave. I run down the stairs and see Sam, Kat, Corey, Devyn, Elton, Amanda, and Brennen by the door making conversation. "There he is!" Brennen says way too loud, "come on, Daddy, it's time to go." Everyone laughs from him saying that.

"Okay big boy, lets go for a ride" I finish off with a sly wink.

"Oh lord, break it up!" Sam separates the two of us, "We don't need to watch you both making out! So hands to yourselves!"

With that we all got in cars to leave. Brennen, Sam, Kat, And I in one car and Elton, Amanda, Corey, And Devyn in the other. We sped off quickly to the party.

When we walk in Brennen immediately drags us two to the drinks, "Some tequila shots for my boy!" I'm not usually a heavy drinker but this one time can't hurt, can it?

"Okay, okay! Let's do this!" We get pumped together and take 7 shots each without any chasers. The effects kicked it very quickly and the night seemed to go by super fast. All I remembered was waking up again in my room with a pounding headache.

I struggle to open my eyes before trying to grab my phone but instead felt a glass of water. I look and see a note,

You're gonna need this

There were 2 Ibuprofen as well so I took it and decided I'd try to go back to sleep.

I woke up again and my head felt a little better. I check the time, 12:35. Oh my god. I sprinted to put on some normal looking clothes and fixed my hair.

I jumped in my car and sped off to Tender Greens. I forgot that Laura and I made plans for today. I said a little prayer that I wouldn't get in an accident because I knew I was for sure speeding.

I arrive for lunch with a few minutes to spare and decided to wait at a table for Laura.

1:00, no Laura.

1:12, no Laura.

I look down at my phone just Incase she texted me about being late.

1:29, no Laura.

1:43, no Laura.

2:11, no Laura...

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