Party + Baby

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Kookie: but you only have one thang that I since in the future for us..
Tae: and what is that..
Kookie: you pregnant with my baby!
Tae: when?
Kookie: tonight? After a party with a new vampire at 7...
Tae:rgo get the door!
Kookie: but no one is the...(hears door knocks and the door bell)
Tae: damn, I love being a vampire.
Kookie: damn (giggles)

On with the story!

Jimin: hey, I'm new too the town and throwing a party at my house hopefully u and ur partner will come.
Kookie: how do u know I'm taken?
Jimin: the two different sized shoes and coats.
Kookie: oh, damn we need to clean ok we will be there.
Jimin: ok, my name's jimin by the way
Kookie: I'm kookie and my boyfriend is Tae and nice to meet u jimin.
Jimin: u too. See u at the party right across the street

Kookie: babe, want to try now or what until later.
Tae: ummmmmmm
Kookie: it's up to u when ever ur ready!
Tae: ok, I love u!
Kookie: I love u too baby
Tae: let's do it now!
Kookie: ok.

Kookie goes to Tae and kisses him on the lips then moved to his neck slowly sucking on it!

We all now what happens next enjoy ur imagine bc I'm not writing it right now.

Kookie: babe btw you will get pregnant fast bc ur a vampire so get ready which means no drinking ok.
Tae: I don't drink so don't worry about it.
Kookie: that's my baby!
Tae: (smiles)
Kookie: (kisses)
Tae: (kisses back)
Kookie: I love u
Tae: I love u too.
Kookie: <I'm hiding something>
Tae: <what babe>
Kookie: <I slept with one of my best friends when we slit>
Tae: thanks for telling me! I'm not mad baby we weren't together u where upset I get it.
Kookie: ok great thanks for understanding
Tae: no problem! ( Runs to bathroom and throws up)
Kookie: u ok? (Rubs back)
Tae: (nods head while wiping mouth)
Kookie: well, ur pregnant and I'm happy!
Tae: yah, ik I feel it and believe it.
Kookie: (text from RM)

K: hey, skull strike
RM: hey, killer Bunny
K: umm no talking about that ok..
RM: sorry love
K: I'm sorry but I'm dating Tae and he's pregnant with my baby
RM: shit, damn I'm late!
K: look u can still have me secretly!
RM: your willing to do that for me!
K: yah, ur hot a my leader!
RM: Well, daddy's at ur.
K: 😂 to cute well I have to go bye Daddy!
RM: ok, talk to u later😏

Tae: baby who was that?
Kookie: one of my best friends
Tae: oh ok.
Kookie: well, let's take a nap and get rested for the party! (Sets alarm clock and deletes messages from before)
Tae: ok, (lays down)
Kookie: (places hand on Tae's stomach) I will live a help with this baby and I won't leave u (whispers in Tae's ear)
Tae: thank you (slowly goes to sleep)
Kookie: I'll be right back I'm going to the store!
Tae: ok, be safe!
Kookie: ok, will do my love!

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