Vampire Castle

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Suga: to the vampires!
Everyone: to the vampires!
Jimin: damn I'm drunk.
Everyone: so are we..
Tae: speak for yourselves...
Everyone: laughs...
Kookie: same, I'm not drunk..
RM: same, but yah
Everyone: well damn... Fun killers
Kookie: someone has to stay sober to take u guys home..
Everyone: true that srry..
Kookie: y'all are good but I think u guys have had enough, let's go home...
RM: jimin, we all no u just moved here but ur a vampire and we need u to stay safe so we'll u please come stay with us...
Jimin: yah, I'll follow u guys I'm sober enough to fly there
RM: ok, I'll be right behind u just in case..
Jimin: k..

10 mins later

On with the story

Jimin: (goes to living room) damn there's a lot of red and black here...
Kookie: are u even a vampire...
Jimin: (gets mad and shows vangs) yes I am a vampire kookie!
Kookie: ok, turn back, turn back
Jimin: so I scare u..
Kookie: no, I'm not but Tae might he's pregnant so chill..
Jimin: who the father!
Kookie: me...
Jimin: does he know u fucked my brother!
Kookie: RM is ur brother...
Jimin: yah, blood brother! My mother told me but not him he just thinks I'm he's really close friends...
Kookie: damn, I'm srry...
Jimin: no, ur fine dude don't be srry!!
RM: (smacks kookie's ass)hey jiminnie...
Jimin: (looks away) hey, brooo
RM: u good...
Kookie: u should really just tell him dude...
RM: (looks confused) tell me what..
Kookie: (looks and jimin)
Jimin: I'm ur brother..
RM: u my brother! (Walks To his room)
Jimin: see kookie, he doesn't believe me....
Kookie: hey, I'll talk to him ok...
Jimin: ok, thank u kookie...
Kookie: no problem newbie (walks to RM) baby...
RM: yah, if this is about jimin being my brother ik I believe him, I'm just not going to admit it to him yet...
Kookie: ok, but....
RM: (kisses)
Kookie: (kisses back)
RM: I love u now can we change the subject...
Kookie: I love u too, yah I guess as long as u tell him soon...
RM: look baby I will, I'm tired I'm going to bed....
Kookie: same! Goodnight😞(walks away)

Tae: hey, baby what's wrong
Kookie: hey, nothing....
Tae: baby....
Kookie: I'm tired ok, that's all and stop asking questions or I'll leave for the night....
Tae: ok, I'll stop can u face me plz baby...
Kookie: no, I don't want to scare u
Tae: (gets in front of him)
Kookie: baby!
Tae: u can never scare me baby, never not even the slightest thing will...
Kookie: (opens eyes)
Tae: baby ur eyes ur hungry..
Kookie: yah, I didn't eat for a while now....
Tae: here....
Kookie: no, I..i.can'...(faints)
RM: (runs in there)wat happened
Tae: he fainted bc he is hungry....
RM: get in bed and sleep I got this I promise...
Tae: ok,
RM: (picks up kookie and takes him to his room) baby...
Kookie: RM please help me....
RM: (takes off shirt) bite me..
Kookie: no....
RM: plz baby if u don't u will die and put everyone that loves in shock including Tae and the ur baby and the baby inside u can die...
Kookie: what do u mean?
RM: u said don't bother to use protection and we did it for quite  a while so and my being vampire ur pregnant with my baby it's a since now drink up...
Kookie: fine! (Sticks vangs in neck)
RM: feel better!
Kookie: yah, how didn't I notice I was!
RM: ur a full vampire babe not going to happen!
Kookie: (kisses)
RM: (kisses back)
Kookie: so that's why my stomach has been hurting!
RM: what u mean?
Kookie: what?
RM: ur in labor babe we have to get u to the hospital....
Kookie: no, baby we are vampires...
RM: not the humans I know people that were doctors but are vampires in hiding....
Kookie: ok, but let's hurry everyone is sleeping so quiet babe....
RM: will do my love!

At the doctor's place!

Vd1: master, what beings u here
RM: my fiance is in labor...
Vd1: right this way...
RM: thank u doctor... Baby let's go...
Kookie: follows RM
Vd1: lay here sir.....
Kookie: lays on bed.... stay with me plz....
RM: I'm not going anywhere...(holds kookie's hand)
Vd1: we are going to have to put him under master!
RM: why...
Vd2: rules are ruler vampires can date or marry human vampires unless they are already married to a full vampire him or her self so and the looks of the eyes of ur fiance he is a top level vampire so we have to put him under for our safety...
Kookie: do it...
RM: u might not come back...
Kookie: I can fight it come on...
Vd2: ok...
Vd1: (puts kookie under)
Kookie: (fades away)
Vd1: he's under! Master now all u have too do is push lightly on his stomach when we say....
RM: ok, thanks again
Vd1: no, problem boss....
RM: enough help him...
Vd1: push

RM does what he is told delivering the baby and successfully waking up kookie!

Kookie: so, where is the baby....
RM: back at the Castle in my room...
Kookie: ok, come here!
RM: (goes to him)
Kookie: baby, do u want this baby..... Like for real want it
RM: yes, just like u want ur baby....
Kookie: (hugs) thank u
RM: (hugs back) anything for u..(kisses)
Kookie: (kisses back)
RM: so all we have to do is wait for the clear to go and then we can go...
Kookie: ok....
Vd1: u guys are clear to go but watch out with the flying it's daylight...
Kookie: may I ask what time it is...
RM: 7 am
Kookie: damn I was out for that long...
RM: baby u gave birth u were tired my love....
Kookie: ok...
RM: let me carry u....
Kookie: like u carried me here!
RM: yes, (picks kookie up bridal style)
Kookie: and I didn't have a choice did I
RM: nope...

Back at castle

Kookie: no more anything for me for a while....
RM: no more fun for my baby...
Kookie: baby, I just had a baby do u really think I'm going to fuck anyone right now...
RM: anyone...
Kookie: Tae and u baby that's what I mean...
RM: are u hungry!
Kookie: no
RM: but ur eyes aren't the color they were before...
Kookie: vampire change I had a baby as a full vampire..
RM: oh, ok
Kookie: besides if I were hungry my horns and wings would be out....
RM: so u are hungry....
Kookie: <fuck>
RM: language around me, now eat up... (Tilts head)
Kookie: (sticks vangs into RM's neck)
RM: u good
Kookie: do u I have my wings and horn!?
RM: no...
Kookie: there's ur answer....
RM: yah, my baby isn't hungry
Kookie: (giggles) ur a baby...
RM: I'm ur baby
Kookie: no ur my fiance and my baby is at home....
RM: true... she is about to have a brother soon....
Kookie: it's a girl
RM: yes, my love a babygirl...
Kookie: awww so nice.....
RM: when we get back to the house we need to name her...
Kookie: ok, house does valentine sound....
RM: perfect baby so cute...
Kookie: yahhhh

At the Castle

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